
Kate Stoetzner

Executive Director

Executive Director
[email protected]

拥有超过20年的博天堂官方经验, Kate Stoetzner最近被任命为Padnos国际中心的执行董事. 她的热情为学生们提供了跨越国界的新体验. 她很高兴能帮助GVSU社区提高文化能力和理解, as well as meet professional and personal goals.

在PIC之外,凯特喜欢环游世界,与家人和朋友共度时光. She enjoys the Great Lakes and inland lakes of Michigan.  她最喜欢的密歇根活动包括为UP 200的雪橇运动员加油,以及在夏日的阳光下游泳. Outside of the US, some memorable moments have been swimming in the Red Sea, dining in the Prague Castle, and bartering at markets around the globe. 

Ehren Kuzekov


Director of Study Abroad and International Partnerships
[email protected]

  • 监测和应对与海外教育相关的危机和风险管理
  • 管理GVSU的机构国际合作伙伴关系,并代表GVSU的国际合作伙伴
  • Review study abroad applications
  • 制定留学政策,评估国际活动
  • Manage study abroad credit transfer process
  • 全面管理日常留学业务
  • 就海外留学问题和关注事项向教职员工和学生提供建议

Vicki Wenger

Office Coordinator

Padnos International Center Assistant
[email protected]

维姬·温格,AKA胜利的VIP(维姬在帕德诺斯)负责一切,使PIC运行!  Vicki是那种注重细节的人,没有她,办公室在几周内就会崩溃.  Vicki喜欢和学生一起工作,而且在办公室的每一天都是不同的、不可预测的.

Vicki is passionate about physical exercise; she enjoys running, HIIT class, bike riding, hiking, anything really that gets her outdoors. She’s a frequent participant in various races; 10K, 25K and ½ Marathon. Above all, 她喜欢与家人和孙子们共度时光,也喜欢和丈夫一起骑着哈雷戴维森摩托车长途旅行. Vicki loves the color purple, avocados, and sunny beaches. She’s never met a vegetable she didn’t like. 她不喜欢鞋子,也不喜欢那些不说“请”和“谢谢”的鞋子. So please say hi to Vicki on your next visit to PIC. Thank you!

Meaghann Myers-Smith

Study Abroad Advisor

Study Abroad Advisor
[email protected]

  • 建议对学术国际经验感兴趣的GVSU学生,包括金融, academic, cultural, health and safety issues

  • Counsel students with unique issues (disabilities, dependents, chronic health issues, 身份问题),使他们能够成功地参加出国留学. 

  • Assist with compiling student trends/statistics

  • Coordinate study abroad fairs

  • Supervise and train peer adviser staff

Alissa Lane

Outreach Coordinator

International Programs Coordinator
[email protected]

  • Manages study abroad publications
  • Assists with study abroad outreach
  • Manages study abroad website
  • Oversees social media

Elizabeth Jawish 

Libby Jawish

Director of International Student and Scholar Services
[email protected]

  • Advocate for iStudents at GVSU and in the Community

  • Primary Immigration Advisor to F-1 and J-1 Students

  • Lead ISS Team

  • Advance services for iStudents

  • Oversee Visiting Scholars and Visiting Staff 

Andres Ortiz-Estevez

Outreach Coordinator

Coordinator International Student Services

[email protected]

  • 学生指导和支持:负责为录取的国际学生提供全面的支持, covering a range of topics such as immigration, cultural adjustment, academic integration, safety, and legal matters.

  • 移民咨询和授权:就移民法规和程序提供专业咨询, 包括通过可选实习培训(OPT)和课程实习培训(CPT)等项目指导工作授权。.

  • 学生宣传和资源联系:代表国际学生在校园内进行宣传, 确保他们有机会获得适当的资源和支持办公室,以满足他们的学术和个人需求.

  • 移民咨询和文件:作为J-1项目的候补负责官员(ARO)和F-1项目的指定学校官员(DSO)进行移民咨询和管理文件处理.

  • 活动策划和学生参与:组织活动和活动,以促进学生的参与和融入, 包括在每学期开始时协调迎新会议. 此外,担任国际学生组织(联合国)的顾问。.

Kirsten Bartels

Kirsten Bartels

Faculty-Led Program Coordinator

[email protected]

  •  协助学院主导的海外留学项目的发展、评估和改进;
  • 为教师和学生进行离职前培训和信息会议;
  • 管理幕后后勤工作,协助项目的执行;
  • 回答问题并协助解决问题,包括签证申请, budgets, and health insurance;
  • Renders assistance and aid as needed

Jaime Pleyte

Jaime Pleyte

Coordinator of Study Abroad and International Partnerships

[email protected]

  • GVSU后出国留学接受-长期出国留学交流和提供者计划
  • 出发前导向-政策,期望,文化调整,保险
  • Forms - Pre-Departure, Financial Aid Agreement, Study Abroad Budget, Visa Forms, external provider forms
  • 课程批准- GVSU课程代码,问题,通用编辑,留学成绩单验证
  • Returned Student - Welcome Back Event, Work Abroad Event

Holl Miller

Holly Miller

Office Coordinator
[email protected]

  • 支持国际学生和学者服务团队的后台工作,包括为活动预订房间, ordering catering, and arranging meetings for the ISS team.

  • 为合作学校的国际访问学者安排行程.

  • 作为向GVSU派遣学生和教职员工的交流伙伴的主要联系人.

  • 担任J-1学生和学者的SEVIS副负责人.

  • 为PIC团队提供美味的中国和越南家常菜.


Liz Montoya

Liz Montoya

International Student Coordinator
[email protected]

•负责校友参与,包括在线网络和国际 & domestic events.





Kristen Cloutier

Study Abroad Coordinator

International Programs Coordinator

 [email protected]

  • 建议和协调海外实习和独立学习经历.
  • 帕德诺斯国际中心的市场营销、推广和活动.
  • 管理学生外展工作人员和PIC的外展任务.

Chrissy Tyndall

Chrissy Tyndall

International Student services Coordinator

[email protected]

  • 监督国际学生的强制性医疗保险
  • Manage social media for ISS
  • Update ISS webpages
  • Email correspondence with students & external partners
  • Assist with planning & leading ISS events (orientation, PEEPS, etc.)

Front Desk Workers & Grad Assistants

Meet our Front Desk Workers & Grad Assistants!

Read More about the Front Desk & Grad Assistant Staff

Peer Advisers

Meet the Peer Adviser Staff!

Peer advisers are an essential part of the PIC Team! They help guide students through the study abroad process. 

Read More About the Peer Adviser Staff

Page last modified May 31, 2024