

如何登录变焦 App
  • 打开 变焦 应用程序.
    • If you do not have 的 变焦 应用程序 on your computer, download it 从 的 变焦下载网站,或者从你设备的应用商店下载.
  • 点击 登录
  • 点击 使用SSO登录.
  • 输入 博天堂官方-edu 随着 公司的域.
  • 输入 your GVSU username and password to log in. 


  • All active GVSU employees with an @博天堂官方.Edu帐户是合格的 使用变焦营业执照. 
  • Student employees need to setup 的ir 变焦 account under 的ir 学生@mail.博天堂官方.edu account as all GVSU 变焦 accounts have 的 完全相同的功能. 
  • Faculty and staff requiring features/licenses that are not included in 的 变焦 Business Plan, check out 的 information 在这里: 额外的 Licenses (Webinar, 变焦 Room, Large Meeting, etc.)
  • 任何先前的@博天堂官方.edu personal 变焦 accounts will have 的 opportunity to switch to 的 GVSU 变焦 license. 在设置过程中, 的 instructions will ask if you want to switch to 的 main GVSU account or enter a personal email address to keep 的 account 从GVSU分离出来.


Signup for 变焦101 training on Sprout


  • All current term enrolled students and student organizations with 一个@mail.博天堂官方.Edu帐户是合格的 使用变焦营业执照. 
  • The 变焦 应用程序 is located on all GVSU lab computers.
  • 任何先前的@mail.博天堂官方.edu personal 变焦 accounts will have 的 opportunity to switch to 的 GVSU 变焦 license. 在设置过程中, 的 instructions will ask if you want to switch to 的 main GVSU account or enter a personal email address to keep 的 account 从GVSU分离出来.


指令 for 得到 Setup under GVSU's 变焦 Account

巩固 当前变焦账户

下载 缩放应用程序-个人Windows电脑

下载 变焦 App - Personal Macintosh Computer

登录GVSU 变焦会议

You can learn 更多的 about 的 campus' move to 变焦 Phone, including a 迁移时间表和教程; 在变焦 Phone网站上.



Grand Valley's 变焦 plan allows users to hold an unlimited number of meetings, 每个可以容纳300人. 变焦指的是开会 更多的 超过300人参加“网络研讨会”."

Please note that 变焦 Webinars are not included with Grand Valley's plan. If you'd like to hold a meeting with 更多的 than 300 people, you have several options:

Learn 更多的 about Grand Valley's 变焦 plan


信息技术  为变焦网络研讨会提供支持. If you plan to host a 变焦 Webinar, take a look at 的 following Webinar tutorials.

For 更多的 tutorials on Webinars, go to 的 缩放帮助中心 然后搜索“webinar”."


  • For increased security, all 变焦 meetings now require a Waiting Room and Passcode.
  • Meeting hosts can no longer able disable 的 Waiting Room and Passcode option.
  • Users 从 outside of Grand Valley will remain in 的 waiting room until 的 host admits 的m.
  • Guests will now be identified in meetings and webinars.




变焦 and 黑板上 go hand-in-hand when it comes to education. Grand Valley chose 变焦 to be its communication tool of choice in part because of how well it works with 黑板上 Learn, 校园学习管理系统.


Starting in Fall 2022, Collaborate will no longer be available. Faculty are encouraged to begin using 变焦 for 的ir webinar needs.

The 电子学习技术 team has scheduled multiple 变焦101 training sessions as well as short webinars on how to save Collaborate Ultra recordings in Panopto. Both webinars are available multiple times over 的 next several months to help faculty and staff with 的 transition away 从 Collaborate.

Explore a comparison of 变焦 and Collaborate

下载 的 comparison as an Acrobat PDF




Many users have 的ir own personal account. Many problems that we see involve users being signed-in to 的 personal account, 而不是他们的大学账户.

Find out which 变焦 account you're using


Are you receiving an error message when trying to login to 变焦?



As part of Grand Valley's 变焦 license, 的 university has an 18 TB storage limit. When you record a 变焦 meeting "的 的 cloud," it counts against 的 total storage limit. To help keep us under 的 limit, all cloud recordings are deleted by default after 30 days. If you need to keep your recording past 的 30 day limit, please consider moving your recording video to Panopto.


Credits: Online Teaching by Nubaia Karim Barsha 从 NounProject.com (modified), 提示 by Shiva 从 NounProject.com
