Pre-Arrival Student Health Checklist

Preparing for health and wellness is an important step as you plan for your time at GVSU. We want to help students feel like they are equipped to take an active role in staying healthy and well. Make sure you have all of the supplies and knowledge to be prepared.



  • 列出你目前的过敏症 & 药物 
  • Keep up supplies for managing chronic conditions (i.e. contact lens solution, sharps disposal container, etc)
  • 处方
    • Get prescriptions transferred to a pharmacy near campus
    • 知道在哪里可以得到补充 & 够第一学期用吗 
    • Set up delivery if no transportation
    • Set up refill reminders at least 1 week before they’re gone
    • Set up reminders to take medication as needed
  • Transportation plan for appointments/picking up 药物


  • 新型冠状病毒肺炎 
  • 甲型肝炎 
  • 乙型肝炎
  • 人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)
  • 流行性感冒(流感)
  • 麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹(MMR) 
  • 脑膜炎(ACYW) 
  • 脑膜炎B 
  • 肺炎球菌 
  • 小儿麻痹症
  • Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis 
  • 水痘(水痘)

Learn more about specific dosages and frequency.


Don’t forget these essential items that many students don’t plan for. Think about items you use regularly or seasonally.

  • 抗生素软膏 & 氢化可的松乳膏
  • Bandages, ace bandages, first aid tape, & 纱布 
  • 杀虫剂 & 炉甘石液
  • 感冒、流感、咳嗽药
  • 布面罩
  • 腹泻药物(& 你还服用其他药物吗?
  • 冰敷/热敷
  • 治疗疼痛和发烧的药.g. 对乙酰氨基酚或布洛芬)
  • 喉咙痛的含片
  • 防晒霜 & 芦荟治疗晒伤
  • 温度计* 
  • Tweezers, scissors, nail clippers, nail file 


  • 清洁用品
  • 消毒剂喷雾/湿巾
  • 灭火器 
  • 洗手液
  • 组织

For a complete list of items to pack for on-campus housing: 博天堂官方.edu/housing/packinglist

本地资源 & 联系信息

Find local providers for when you need healthcare while at GVSU & write them down or save phone numbers and addresses in your phone. 如果你有保险, consult your insurance company to help locate in-network providers in the area. 

  • Dentist: ________________________
  • Disability Support: ________________________
  • Hospital:  ________________________
  • Medical: ________________________
  • Mental Health Crisis: _____________________________
    • National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
    • Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
  • Ongoing Mental Health Services: _______________________
  • 药店: _____________________________
  • Urgent Care:  ______________________________
  • 其他健康资源 学生健康
    • ______________________________________
    • ______________________________________


Identify names, phone numbers, and addresses and write them down, or save them in your phone.

  • ________________________________
  • ________________________________
  • ________________________________
  • ________________________________
  • ________________________________

提前计划 & 做好准备

酒精 & 药物的期望

  • What are family and cultural expectations around alcohol consumption and drug use?
  • What are your values, beliefs and attitudes towards alcohol consumption and drug use? How will you make informed decisions regarding alcohol and other drug use?

了解更多博天堂官方网页 prevention, education, intervention & 以下提供的恢复选项 酒精 & 其他药物服务.

健康 & 健康策略


  • Know that beginning (or continuing) to explore your sexuality in college is normal.
  • 你的信念 & values about sex may change; don’t forget to check in with how your relationships and/or sexual experiences make you feel.
  • If you engage in sexual activity, practice safer sex - use barrier methods & 定期进行性传播感染检测. 
  • 了解更多博天堂官方网页 GVSU性健康课程, including free condom locations, communication tips, safer sex practices, STI testing info, & 信任的资源.


  • Have a copy of your insurance card with you. 
  • Know how to use your insurance (co-pays, in-network providers, preauthorizations). 
  • Should you use an HSA card to pay for medical related expenses? 你有自己的副本吗?
  • If you need health insurance, visit our 学生健康保险页面


  • 下载 American Red Cross 急救 app 在iOS或Android上免费下载. 
  • Talk with your parent / supporter about when (& 如何寻求治疗 & have them walk you through the steps.
  • Don’t wait until last minute to get treatment; act before an illness turns into a potential crisis.
  • Know when is an appropriate time to call for an ambulance.
  • Know when to visit Urgent Care vs. 急诊室.
  • Know when to use self-care methods.
  • Ambulance rides to Emergency Rooms are one-way; be prepared to provide your own transportation back to campus or your apartment.


  • 了解自己的病史 & your family medical history, if known
    • medical conditions, including any hospitalizations
    • mental health treatment or inpatient care
    • 过去的外科手术
    • 你有慢性疾病 & 如何管理它们
    • 免疫接种史
  • If you have a chronic health condition:
    • Know what accommodations you may need for your chronic health condition & 如何安排.
    • Know how to dispose properly of medical supplies (needles, etc.)


  • If you have a primary care provider, 辅导员, or any other health care provider, see them before the semester starts.
  • 练习预约 & 自己填写文件.
  • Discuss referrals for providers closer to campus. If you need help identifying your level of care, set up a consultation call.
  • Sign any necessary releases for your health care providers to get records shared as needed.
  • 如果你想, you may also want to execute a medical power of attorney and/or a HIPAA authorization giving your parent / supporter access to your medical records & the right to speak with your care providers. When you turn 18, they will not have access to this information.
  • Take preventative steps to stay healthy, 比如打流感疫苗, 洗手, and practicing social distancing.*

Page last modified March 14, 2024