
我们的 急救、心肺复苏术和AED培训 是:

  • 包括救生技能的实践培训.
  • Intended for individuals to use in the workplace and schools
  • Classes that meet OSHA Guidelines for 急救 Programs
  • Basic courses and do not meet any type of advanced or professional rescuer type of credentialing.  
  • Classes that combine lecture with interactive video demonstrations featuring emergency scenarios that are likely to occur in a variety of environments.

If you are seeking certification to meet the requirements for an internship, 学生教学任务, 或工作, CHECK WITH YOUR SUPERVISOR TO DETERMINE THE EXACT TYPE OF CERTIFICATION YOU NEED.




心肺复苏术 consists of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth respiration. 心肺复苏 enables oxygenated blood to circulate to vital organs such as the brain and heart.

  • 成人心肺复苏: Participants learn how to perform 心肺复苏 and care for 呼吸 and cardiac emergencies in adults.
  • 成人和儿童心肺复苏: Participants learn how to perform 心肺复苏 and care for 呼吸 and cardiac emergencies in adults and in children over the age of 1, 还有1岁以下的婴儿.


急救: Participants learn to recognize and care for a variety of first aid emergencies, 比如烧伤, 割伤和擦伤, 突如其来的疾病, head, 颈部和背部受伤, 以及冷热紧急情况.

AED: Participants learn how to use automatic external defibrillators. 


对于下面的类, certification is awarded through the American Red Cross and is valid for 2 years

Adult and Pediatric 急救, 心肺复苏, 和AED - Blended Learning

This blended course will prepare you to recognize and care for a variety of first aid, 呼吸, 以及涉及成年人的心脏紧急情况, children and infants and meets OSHA/workplace requirements.  Allow approximately 4 hours to complete the online portion.  In person skill session takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes.


成人急救,心肺复苏术,和AED -混合学习

This course will prepare you to recognize and care for a variety of first aid, 呼吸, 以及涉及成年人的心脏紧急情况 and meets OSHA/workplace requirements.  Allow 3 hours and 15min to complete the online portion. In person skill session takes approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes.


成人心肺复苏和AED -混合学习

This course will prepare you to recognize and care for 呼吸 以及涉及成年人的心脏紧急情况 and meets OSHA/workplace requirements.  Allow approximately 1 hour 50 minutes to complete the online portion.  In person skill assessment takes approximately 1 hour and 25 minutes.


您可以选择成人心肺复苏/AED, 成人急救/心肺复苏术/AED, or Adult and Pediatric 急救/心肺复苏/AED during the registration process for each of the course dates listed below.  Please read through the course descriptions carefully to ensure you are selecting the course that best meets your needs.  不管你选择什么课程, the instructor-led classroom skill session will begin at the same time.  Instruction and skill assessment will begin with Adult 心肺复苏 和AED, 然后是成人急救, 最后是儿科急救, 心肺复苏, 和AED.  Once you have successfully passed the portion of the course that you signed up for you may leave.  The online portion must be completed prior to attending the in-class portion.














时间:11 am-1pm



组心肺复苏 & 急救


  • 完成GVSU游戏 & 健康 服务申请表 and select “心肺复苏 or 急救 Class for a Group” from the “I am Requesting” section.
  • It is the responsibility of the organization to reserve space for the class. We may be able to assist you in reserving space if needed.
  • The reserved room must have an audio/video projector AND an open area for conducting first aid/心肺复苏 skill sessions.
  • Classrooms in the GVSU Fieldhouse are the preferred location, but other locations on campus (such as the larger meeting rooms in Kirkhof) may work also.
  • Class lengths are outlined in the course descriptions above. 如果可能的话, please reserve the room for 15-30 minutes prior to the start of the class to allow for room set-up.
  • If you are interested in holding an off-campus certification, provide this in the “Brief Description” section of the 服务申请表. 可能会收取额外费用.



The organization hosting the certification is responsible for collecting all payment and participant information. The Organization is responsible for providing 娱乐 & 健康与以下:

登记 and payment are due three business days before the class is to be held. 可在健身中心付款 & 健康服务 located in the lower level of 娱乐 Center.


For student organizations or university departments who have a GVSU FOAP, payment can be made through OnBase Department Charge Requests.

为他人, 付款应以现金的形式进行, 信贷, 或者支票(开给GVSU). We require one total payment of all class participants. It is advised that your organization collect payment from individuals at the time of registration, and then your organization issues payment to GVSU 娱乐 & 健康.


娱乐 & 健康 needs a list (names and e-mails) of the people who will be taking the class. NOTE: There is a four person minimum to conduct a session. There is a 10 person maximum per session for one instructor. If you have a group of more than 10 people, we will attempt to secure another instructor if possible. Otherwise, multiple sessions would need to be conducted to accommodate more than 10 people.
