Support for Writing Instruction

欢迎! 有关写作中心课堂支持的更多信息,请浏览以下内容. 在这里, you can find additional resources such as syllabus blurbs, resource links, video presentations, 和更多的. 博天堂官方网页写作中心服务的任何具体问题或顾虑, please reach out to Patrick Johnson, Writing Center Director.




  • 希望在你的教学大纲中包含写作中心的信息? We provide examples of a syllabus blurb about writing center support. You can also share our Writing Center hours and locations by downloading our plugger.
  • 有关课程写作的更多信息,请访问 慢波睡眠的网站, 也.
  • 任务 写作中心的宗旨不仅是满足学生的需要, but those of all writers across the university. 为了吸引一个强大的教师/员工作家社区, 我们为他们的课堂和他们自己的写作提供了一些服务.
  • Click the link to view our Scholarly Writing Initiatives for Faculty & 工作人员 广告传单. 这将提供更多博天堂官方网页写作中心旨在支持GVSU教职员工作家的方式的细节. Feel free to print a copy for your office, 一个同事, or save it to your computer for future reference. 

Additional Links and Resources

Consultant Classroom Support Options

Teaching a section of 博天堂官方网页120年, 130, or 150? 查看右边的图表,以查看您当前的课堂写作顾问支持选项. 如果您有任何博天堂官方网页写作中心支持您第一年写作课程的问题或想法, 博天堂官方! 我们很乐意帮助大家集思广益,指导写作顾问在课堂上帮助学生作者的方法.


  • 选项1
    • 每周一次,在实验室或传统课堂嵌入式写作顾问
  • 选项2
    • 每周一次,在实验室或传统课堂嵌入式写作顾问
    • Up to three 50-minute workshops with consultants to be completed by the end of midterms (October 14th)
  • 选项3
    • Five or six 50-minute workshops with consultants to be completed by 11月18日th
  • 选项4
    • One 50-minute workshop with consultants to be completed by 11月18日th
    • One class presentation about Writing Center services to be completed by October 14th
    • 其中一项要求每位学生在写作中心接受一对一的咨询

注意: We ask that workshops be scheduled on the same 天(我.e. a Tuesday/Thursday class would only schedule workshops on Tuesdays or Thursdays rather than varying days).

出于日程安排的目的,每周嵌入顾问和讲习班 are 50-minutes and start at the top of the hour. If your section 半小时开始,嵌入式顾问和研讨会将 start at that time and be for 45 minutes.

All 在线 sections of 博天堂官方网页120年/130 must include:

  • 博天堂官方网页写作中心服务的在线演示(同步) or asynchronous)
  • 其中一项要求每位学生在写作中心接受一对一的咨询

You also have the option of 包括:

  • Virtual Workshops: Up to three 50-minute workshops with consultants to be completed by 11月18日th, Synchronous or Asynchronous

请注意: We ask that synchronous workshops be scheduled on the same 天(我.e. a Tuesday/Thursday class would only schedule workshops on Tuesdays or Thursdays rather than varying days)

出于日程安排的目的,研讨会为50分钟,从 top of the hour. If your section starts at half past the hour, workshops will start at that time and be for 45 minutes.

For your course, please choose one of the following options:

  • 选项1
    • 每周一次,在实验室或传统课堂嵌入式写作顾问
  • 选项2
    • 每周一次,在实验室或传统课堂嵌入式写作顾问
    • Up to three 50-minute workshops with consultants to be completed by the end of midterms (October 14th)

注: We ask that workshops be scheduled on the same 天(我.e. a Tuesday/Thursday class would only schedule workshops on Tuesdays or Thursdays rather than varying days)

出于日程安排的目的,每周嵌入顾问和讲习班 are 50-minutes and start at the top of the hour. If your section 半小时开始,嵌入式顾问和研讨会将 start at that time and be for 45 minutes.


  • 选项1
    • One 50-minute workshop with consultants to be completed by 11月18日th  
    • An 在线 presentation about Writing Center services to be completed by October 14th  (synchronous or asynchronous)
    • 其中一项要求每位学生在写作中心接受一对一的咨询
  • 选项2
    • 每周给一位写作顾问50分钟的虚拟支持
    • Up to three 50-minute workshops with consultants to be completed by the end of midterms (October 14th)
  • 选项3
    • Four or five 50-minute workshops with consultants to be completed by 11月18日th

注: Workshops can be synchronous or asynchronous. 如果是同步的,我们要求在同一天安排研讨会 (i.e. a Tuesday/Thursday class would only schedule workshops on Tuesdays or Thursdays rather than varying days)

For scheduling purposes, weekly consultants and workshops are 50-minutes and start at the top of the hour. If your section starts at 半小时后,每周的咨询和研讨会将于 that time and be for 45 minutes.

在这里访问2023年秋季咨询教室支持表格:博天堂官方网页120年 (面对面, 在线), 博天堂官方网页130年 (面对面, 在线) 博天堂官方网页150年 (面对面, 在线). 如有任何有关课堂支持选择或填写上述表格的问题,请博天堂官方, please reach out to 丽莎Gullo, Writing Center Office Coordinator.

Writing Center 服务 Presentation

写作中心很高兴与您的学生进行面对面和虚拟的交流. 另外, 我们很乐意安排一位写作顾问到您的班级来做一个10分钟的演讲,介绍写作中心的服务以及如何使用它们. Please contact 丽莎Gullo ([email protected]),如果你想安排一个虚拟或面对面的课堂演讲. 我们还提供了一个典型学年信息的视频演练: Slideshow on Writing Center services

如果您对我们目前的服务有任何疑问,请访问我们的 小时 and 位置 page or feel free to 博天堂官方 with any questions. 

Video describing writing center services


For Teaching Writing in Your Class

写作体验的一部分是理解我们写作的背景——这是为谁写的? Why did I write this? What purpose does it serve? 这种调查可以使一篇论文写起来更有趣,读起来也更容易. 使用下面的明信片来指导你的学生完成这个过程(元认知). 

In collaboration with Writing Across the Curriculum, 写作中心起草了一份博天堂官方网页“沟通三角”(通常被称为“修辞三角”)的有用资源。. 使用这张明信片,写信人可以获得以下有用的指导经验:

  • Writing for a reader
  • Writing within a context
  • Writing with a purpose
  • Reading any genre
  • Reading new information
  • Picking topics
Communication Triangle Side 1

有关作者在交流环境中存在方式的更多信息, consider viewing our helpful handouts; there, you can find information about audience expectations, language and jargon, 类型的事实, and much more!

Communication Triangle Side 2

Teaching Writing Video Tutorials

作为写作中心和SWS主任合作努力的一部分, 你现在有了三个有用的教学视频——它们可以用来更好地支持你自己的写作过程和写作教学,或者它们可以用来指导你的学生完成这些主题和写作过程中的挑战. 

在这里 are some great videos that provide tips, 技巧, 以及博天堂官方网页写作教学最佳实践的理论.

Discourse Communities

Communication Triangle

Writing as Process

Discourse Communities Image

SWS Fellows Program

SWS研究员计划是通常通过写作中心提供给教师的课堂支持的增强版. 研究员计划包括与一个由5-6名写作顾问组成的专门小组合作,为学生和教师提供更好的写作支持, 包括:

  • 与训练有素的写作顾问组成的专门小组进行多次课堂研讨会
  • 顾问和教员在课外讨论即将到来的作业, plan workshops, and share feedback
  • Additional in-class workshops available all semester long
  • 与顾问一起反思活动和任务的机会, 也 as SWS and writing center administration.

Due to the scheduling limitations within the writing center, SWS研究员计划每学期只提供两门课程. 鼓励感兴趣的教师申请,并根据各种特征(写作指导方法)选择参与者, previous use of consultants, strength of application, 等). 


有兴趣成为SWS研究员的教师应提交此文件 SWS Fellows Application form or contact the Writing Center Director ([email protected]). 




Have other questions? Stop in and visit! Or call us at 331-2922.

Page last modified June 5, 2024