
The survey encompasses purchasing 西密歇根地区的经理 representing the region's major industrial manufacturers, 分销商, 工业服务组织.

Patterned after in nationwide survey conducted by the Institute for Supply Management, 这项调查的优势在于它的简单.  每个月, the respondents are asked to rate ten factors as "SAME" or stable, "UP"或改善/上升, 或者“Down”,如falling /falling. A summary of the survey findings called the Business Survey Report, is issued each month.



As the name implies, this index measures new business coming into the firm and signifies business improvement, or business decline.  当 this index is positive for an extended period, it implies that the firm or organization will soon need to purchase more raw materials and services, hire more people, or possibly expand facilities.  因为新 orders are often received weeks or even months before any money is actually paid, this index is our best view of the future.

As new orders come in and materials arrive at the loading dock, production schedules are posted to meet the customer's needs.  Although production schedules respond to demand, they also respond to seasonal factors such as holidays as well as bad weather, materials 短缺或其他外部影响.   

The employment index measures the expansion and contraction of the firm's entire workforce, including office and production personnel.  Many firms will remain stable for long periods until significant economic events result in new hires or layoffs. 

This index reflects the dollar amount of the goods and services purchased by a firm or organization, as well as the level of activity 在采购办公室本身. 

As the name implies, this index measures industrial inflation and depicts the direction of the prices for major commodities and services 由公司或组织购买的. 

当 the demand for commodities exceeds current supplies, lead times 越来越长.  Longer lead times may also lead to price increases, and 交货时间的缩短可能导致价格的降低.  更长的交货期也是原因之一 to the stress on the supply chain, as well as the stress on supply 链人员.   

Although on-site inventory has become a dirty word in recent years, at least some quantity of raw material and MRO supplies must still be 随时待命.  当 shortages or price increases are anticipated, inventories may be increased to protect the firm or organization from 因为缺少材料而停工. 对一些公司和 some commodities, inventories are accumulated for seasonal usage.

Although some firms and organizations maintain no inventory of finished goods, some firms "build to stock" in anticipation 未来的销售.  It is obviously a bad sign if a firm's sales are falling and finished goods inventories are rising.   

This index focuses on current business conditions as well as perceived business conditions for the next 3-6 months. 为明显 reasons, the index is generally more positive when the SALES, 生产, and 就业 indices are positive. 这个指数也是 heavily influenced by the current news cycle, and can sometimes vary 从一个月到另一个月.

This index provides a glimpse at the future attitudes of the business 社区在未来3-5年. 传统上,大多数企业都是这样 more optimistic about the long term, although current events can 导致观念变化非常迅速. 虽然很多月 responses may be neutral, few, if any, participants will be negative 博天堂官方网页公司的长期前景. 


For each of these ten elements, the responses are tabulated and converted to percentages. A diffusion index is then calculated by subtracting the percentage of "DOWN" responses from the number of "UP" responses.

If the number of UPs exceeds the number of DOWNs, then the resulting index number will be positive.  Whereas it is certainly good news when the indexes such as 新订单, 生产, and 就业 are positive and therefore rising, it is conversely bad news when 交货期 and 价格 are rising.   

The survey also contains several standard open-end questions.

  • First, the respondents are asked to list commodities that are in short supply.
  • The second question calls for the respondent to list any commodities or services that are rising in price. These two lists may be similar but are usually not identical. During periods of significant industrial inflation, both of these lists may grow very long.
  • A third question asks for a list of all major commodities and services that are falling in price. 
  • Last but not least is a space for open-ended comments, allowing the survey participant to describe the marketplace as they see it. In order to keep the comments candid, the respondents themselves and their firms are not identified. 


The Purchasing Manager's Index (PMI) Survey targets purchasing 西密歇根地区的经理. 数据是从业务中收集的 representatives from the region's major industrial manufacturers, 分销商, 工业服务组织. 分析师和 economists use the PMI to evaluate economic trends in sales, 就业和通货膨胀.


  • Receive an email requesting your participation in the Purchasing 经理指数调查
  • Receive the previous month's Business Survey Report summarizing the latest 采购经理人指数调查 results for West 密歇根


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