
The first thing that you can expect is that online and hybrid courses at GVSU meet the same quality standards as our traditional in-seat courses. 课程规模小,确保学生与教师的联系. You can expect a course designed using the recommended best practices of course delivery, supporting the development of a community of online learners.

Online and hybrid academic courses generally follow the regular semester schedule and are not self-paced. While some classroom or synchronous time may be required for hybrid courses, 在线可能需要一些同步时间, the majority of coursework is available online - allowing you to learn from any place at anytime.  



沟通 with your professor and with your classmates is essential in an online course. There are many ways to communicate in the online environment.

Email & 谷歌应用程序
At GVSU, 所有学生都有一个谷歌Gmail帐户, and all email from the university is sent to this address. 这包括从黑板上发送的任何电子邮件. Your professor or classmates may email you from your course site, 这些邮件会转到你的GVSU Gmail账户. You cannot customize 黑板上 for email to go to another email address, however, you can forward your GVSU Gmail to another email account if desired. You will use the same username and password for Gmail as you use for 黑板上. If you do not know or remember your password, you can reset it from a link on the Gmail登录页面.

除了电子邮件, 你可能会发现利用谷歌文档很有用, 尤其是和同学合作的时候. 一旦你登录Gmail,你就可以访问这些内容, and Google offers tutorials for how to use their products.

You will likely have requirements in your online course that include online 讨论. 黑板上有一个在线的 讨论板 作为它的主要手段 异步 讨论. (Asynchronous means that you do not need to be online at the same time as anyone - you can log in and post your contributions to the 讨论板, read what your classmates wrote and respond back at anytime.) 

Your professor may ask that you use social media or a wide array of other technology tools for communication and collaboration. If so, 你的教授会解释你使用的是什么以及如何使用, 也将是你们寻求帮助的主要联系人.


If you are new to online learning, we recommend starting with the "是你的 准备好在线学习?"提供以下步骤的网页:


STEP 1 - 完成在线准备测验 

STEP 2 Become 熟悉在线或混合课程的要求 

STEP 3 - Learn 成功的基本技能

STEP 4 - Review the Required Technologies and Computer Skills for 在线学习

To be successful in an online or hybrid online course, you need to:

  • 有可靠的网络连接吗
  • Be generally comfort in using technology such as email and word 处理工具
  • Be able to quickly learn to search and success resources online
  • 了解如何在黑板中导航和使用工具

也请浏览我们的“技术 在线/混合课程的要求" page.

黑板上 is the enterprise learning management system that is used at GVSU. This system will provide you with your "virtual classroom", whereby your instructor will communicate with you through 公告、电子邮件和讨论板活动. 作业 often facilitated through 黑板上 as well as grades and feedback. 有些课程也会用到 Zoom 网上办公时间及 现场授课.

Online and hybrid courses at GVSU use the university's enterprise 学习管理系统叫做黑板上. 学生将会 provided a campus network username and password to use to login and 黑板上 can be accessed from the GVSU home page or by navigating 直接: http://lms.lindamedia.net/

教师以多种方式教授在线课程. 大多数课程使用 an 异步 class delivery which do not require you to be online 在特定日期的特定时间. 我们建议大家阅读 syllabus and keeping up to date with your professors expectations. Some professors may also hold virtual online office hours with Zoom (或其他技术)所以 你们可以现场交流.


If you've never experienced online learning, you may have some 先入为主的想法. 也许你听说过 从你的同龄人那里得知在线课程很容易. 简而言之,就是在线课程 require just as much work as in-person classes, with even greater importance on self-disciple, self-motivation, and time management. 阅读我们的“常见的神话 在线学习博天堂官方网页在线学习的其他误解的网页.

Just like a traditional course, you can expect to have a syllabus 还有课程日历上的截止日期. 虽然你可以访问 course materials and participate in 异步 讨论 when it is convenient to you, you will still have deadlines and due dates. Be sure to adhere to the course calendar, and participate in online 尽早并经常地讨论.

If you are enrolled in an online course, you will not be required to 来学校参加考试. 你的教授会有考试 课程大纲中列出的评估要求. 有些课程可能 make use of online proctoring software which will require the use of a 网络摄像头和麦克风或耳机.

Although your course content is available 24/7 and you may personally 你的教授,大半夜还在“上课” 会在预定时间内提供服务吗. 通常,你的教授 will communicate their availability and let you know when and how 它们通常是在线的或可访问的. 


Most online or hybrid online courses will use 黑板上, GVSU's learning management system. 把它想象成你的在线课堂.

如果你不熟悉黑板上, there is a self-paced tutorial that will help you to learn how to navigate and to sample many of its features. 要访问在线教程,请访问 黑板上,并查找“学生黑板教程". You will be able to access many of the common areas without logging in. However, the communication features are only available by self-enrolling into the course. The "+ Enroll" button is located on the lower left of the tutorial site.

你会发现 学生帮助黑板 在网上学习. 博天堂官方的学生 IT服务台 提供技术支持和协助.


The 黑板上移动应用程序 provides students with a quick and easy way to interact with courses, content, and instructors.

The 手机应用程序 包括以下特点:

  • 访问您的课程和内容
  • 查看课程项目和课程公告
  • 做作业和测试
  • 参与讨论


There may be times when your professor offers virtual office hours or requests synchronous online class meetings. 同步 refers to everyone meeting at the same time - actually logging in to 黑板上 at the designated time and accessing the online "live" classroom. GVSU使用Zoom来促成这些会议. If you have a webcam, then your professor and your classmates will be able to see you when you talk. You will be able to see others who have webcams when they talk. 有了麦克风,你可以说话,也可以被听到. 

以下的支持信息 Zoom 可以在电子学习网站上找到. 


Online and hybrid courses are unique, please take a moment to review information specific to:
