

Mandatory Health Insurance Policy for 国际学生

GVSU has a mandatory health insurance policy for all F-1 and J-1 international students. 这项任务于2023年秋季开始. 这项政策是由LewerMark公司促成的. Find out more about this mandate, the cost, coverage, and considerations below.

Health insurance in the USA is extremely costly and can be very confusing. To provide the best support we can to our international students, 我们与LewerMark合作,为所有国际学生提供优质的医疗保险. 本页详细介绍了该政策的许多方面 LewerMark网站 专门为GVSU的国际学生提供博天堂官方网页政策和其他细节的全面信息.

LewerMark代理GVSU国际学生的健康保险计划并管理所有供应商的账单, questions, and waivers. LewerMark has a webpage dedicated to GVSU International Student Health Insurance information. Students should familiarize themselves with the site and make sure to login 并了解他们可用的许多资源. 

Cost & Coverage Dates

The cost for the 2024-2025 policy year to GVSU international students (F-1 and J-1) is $1,896. 这包括日期 2024年8月1日至2025年7月31日. LewerMark offers free 30 day extended coverage prior to the policy's official start. So students starting in Fall have health insurance coverage starting July 2, 2024. Students starting in Winter have coverage starting December 2, 2024. This gives students added security if within the USA and needing medical attention. 学生可以将此视为一个月的免费保险!

Students are billed for half of the full year at the rate of 2024年秋季948美元 semester and 2025年冬季948美元 semester. Students' accounts are billed in July for the Fall 2024 semester and in November for Winter 2025. 

A 政策摘要 可以在LewerMark网站上找到. 一些亮点是:

  • 年度扣除: $0
  • 每保单年度最高限额: $300,000
  • 每次受伤/疾病的上限:  $300,000
  • 学生健康中心 访问或CVS免预约诊所:$0
  • Office Visit:网络内100%覆盖,共付20美元
  • Hospital visit:网络内100%覆盖,共付100美元
  • Wellness care: 100%,每个保险年度不超过300美元
  • COVID vaccine 每份保单年的保额是否高达$100
  • 紧急救护服务 承保的最高限额为每年$300,000
  • 处方药 covered 100% as inpatient and 50% as outpatient, up to $2,500 per policy year
  • 精神健康状况的医疗 covered max of 30 days inpatient and 30 visits outpatient
  • Physiotherapy 如订明,每保单年度最多承保20次探访
  • and 免费辅助服务

学生们应该参观LewerMark 学生登录页面 to access full details of their account and download their insurance card.  所有GVSU学生将使用GVSU g#作为他们的 Student ID (ex. G01234567). 第一次登录,学生的 password 学生的出生日期是否采用美国格式:mmddyyyy. 然后,学生可以更新密码以备将来登录.

Students should download their Health Insurance card and bring to all medical visits. Although not all healthcare providers know the name LewerMark, 他们将熟悉AETNA网络,所以学生应该告诉他们的医疗保健提供者,他们被AETNA覆盖.

Before making a healthcare visit or ordering prescriptions, 学生应该使用LewerMark网站上的“去看医生或医院" tool to search for a provider that is in-network and therefore covered by the policy. 

为了您的方便,这里有一个清单 urgent cares and hospitals 在网络中.

Waiver Form

按此浏览 & 保存可填写的豁免表格

Students who meet the 2 conditions listed below, can submit the waiver form to LewerMark for review. If approved, 该学生在2024-2025学年不会被收取费用,并且需要在本学年期间保持他们在GVSU以外购买的保险.

  • 2 conditions
    • Student's Parent or Spouse has an ACA compliant plan which covers the student
    • 学生在美国参加赞助项目(如. SACM)

如果你符合上述两个条件中的一个, you will need to complete the attached waiver and send to LewerMark at (电子邮件保护) including:

  • 一份完整的英文健康保险单
  • 保险范围证明


  • 学生从2024年秋季学期开始 August 9, 2024
  • 2025年冬季开学的学生 2024年12月6日

Starting Fall 2024, waivers will only be permitted in a very limited number of cases.

LewerMark为GVSU国际学生提供独立保险. 你可以在他们的网站上了解更多 here


Another reason LewerMark's policy is a huge benefit to our students, is the many free services that all students on the LewerMark policy receive! They are:

  • Teladoc – telehealth
    • 共付0美元,免赔0美元
    • 24/7
    • 提供翻译服务
    • 1-800-835-2362
  • TELUS -心理健康学生支持
    • 将学生与虚拟辅导员全天候联系起来
    • 提供英语、西班牙语、法语、粤语、普通话、 & 其他语文(应要求)
    • 所有语言需提前24小时通知
    • 注册咨询师 & Therapists
    • 没有限制,没有成本
    • 1-866-743-7732
  • Togetherall -精神健康论坛
    • 由专业人士监督
    • Students can post anonymously about their thoughts or feelings
    • Join chat groups
    • 寻找有用的资源
    • Quick video 博天堂官方网页其特点
  • 学校紧急服务(SES)
    • 住院5天以上
    • 学生可以有亲戚来帮助或学生可以去医院或国外葬礼探望亲戚(同情关怀)
    • 帮助自己和家人预订机票
    • 回国服务
    • 没有报销,他们需要自己预定
    • 与家人分享免费电话号码 & 紧急情况下的朋友
    • 1-877-488-9833


索赔是医疗保健提供者向您的保险公司发送的账单,要求支付他们提供的服务. LewerMark通常需要7-10个工作日来处理索赔,并直接发送给学生访问的供应商.

在有复杂索赔的情况下, LewerMark将与学生联系,并要求学生填写索赔问卷. If this is the case for you, please be responsive to LewerMark's request. If the documentation is not submitted, the claim cannot be paid out by LewerMark. 

If a student pays the provider directly for the full service, the student should send LewerMark (电子邮件保护) the paperwork provided after the service along with the bill and proof of payment.


Allowed Charge - The discounted fee the provider Network negotiates with Physicians, hospitals, 以及网络中的其他医疗保健提供者.

Claim -医疗保健提供者向您的保险公司发送的账单,要求支付他们提供的服务. 

Coinsurance - The percentage of a Covered Expense for which the Plan is responsible. Coinsurance is separate from and is not a part of the Copay.

Copay -在支付任何剩余部分的福利之前,被保险人需要自掏腰包支付该部分的承保费用. Copay is separate from and is not a part of the Coinsurance.

Covered Accident —由外部直接引起的意外事件, visible means and which: occurs while coverage is in force under the Policy for the Covered Person; and results in a Covered Injury to a Covered Person.

Covered Expense - An expense actually incurred by a Covered Person for 医学上必要的 医疗 which is: prescribed by a Physician for therapeutic management of a Covered Injury or Covered Sickness; not excluded by any provisions contained in the Policy; and not more than the Reasonable and Customary charges.

Covered Injury -造成身体伤害, 直接和独立于任何疾病, 这是由, arises out of, or results from, a Covered Accident or the sudden onset of physical trauma to the Covered Person. 在同一起承保事故中遭受的所有伤害, 包括相关条件和反复出现的症状, 会被视为一项承保伤害吗.

Covered Person -有保障学生. 如果参加学校的申请, 经项目经理批准, 包括家属保险, Covered Person includes the Covered Student's Covered Dependents.

Covered Sickness - An illness, disease, 或损害被保险人身心正常功能的状况,且不是由伤害或事故直接导致的. All related disorders and recurrent symptoms of the same or a similar illness, disease, or condition will be considered the same Covered Sickness. 

Covered Student - An Eligible Student of a Participating School where: the Participating School submitted an application to sponsor coverage; the Program Manager accepted the Participating School's application; all Premium for the Eligible Student has been paid when due; and by virtue of all three conditions above, the Eligible Student becomes a participant of the Lewer International Student Trust (the "Trust").

Deductible -投保人在本保单项下可支付福利前必须自付的金额.

诊断检查 - Laboratory, x-ray, diagnostic imaging, and other diagnostic diagnostic examinations.

加护病房 -医院特别指定的病房,专门为需要经常进行视听观察的危重病人或受伤病人保留, as prescribed by the attending Physician; provides room and board, trained and qualified personnel whose duties are primarily confined to such unit, and special equipment or supplies immediately available on a stand-by basis; and is segregated from the rest of the Hospital's facilities.

医疗 -所有医疗护理, treatment, services, supplies, procedures, or drugs administered to a Covered Person to address a sickness or injury. 

医学上必要的 -根据提供医疗时美国普遍接受的医疗实践标准,由医生或医院为诊断或管理承保疾病或承保伤害提供或规定的必要和适当的医疗治疗.

Network -保健提供者汇编, 比如内科医生和医院, that have agreed to accept reduced payments for 医疗 provided to the Covered Person. The Covered Person has discretion to visit any health care provider, regardless whether that provider is included in the Network (In-Network)或不参与本网络(Out-of-Network). 无论受保人选择使用网络内或网络外医疗保健提供商, the Covered Person may still incur out-of-pocket expenses.

参与供应商 -一个医疗保健提供者, 比如医生或医院, 已纳入该网络并已同意按规定费率提供医疗必要医疗.

Physician -指在其医师执照范围内执业并执行本保单所涵盖的特定服务的合法执业的治疗艺术从业者. For the sake of clarity, Physician includes Nurse Practitioners and Registered Dieticians. Physician does not include: a practitioner of chiropractic, naturopathic, naprapathic, or alternative medicine; an athletic trainer; a nutritionist who is not also a Registered Dietician; any Covered Person; a Close Relative of a Covered Person; or an individual residing at the same legal residence of the Covered Person.

Policy -根据投保人选择接受医疗服务的地点或是否使用参与供应商的服务,提供不同级别的福利和共付额. 

Policyholder -被签发保单的实体. The Policyholder is shown on the first page of the Policy. 

合理和习惯 -收费地区内同类医疗服务的最常见收费. The most common charge means the lesser of: up to 200% of the Medicare published rate for the same or similar service or any of the following (the actual amount charged by the provider; the negotiated rate, if any; the fee often charged in the Area where the service was performed).

学生健康中心 - An ambulatory care facility affiliated or contracted with a Participating School that, at a minimum, maintains a staff consisting of a nurse director/nurse practitioner, staff Nurses, 以及一名专职医生或与一名医生安排进行办公室访问或与中级提供者进行合作实践安排. 

Urgent Care -在紧急护理中心或设施接受的护理.

免预约药房诊所 -在一个更大的零售商店里开设诊所, 比如药店或零售商店, and which provides basic care for minor injuries and illnesses, 并可能提供疫苗接种, immunizations, annual physicals, 健康检查, 诊断测试.

Source: LewerMark Grand Valley小册子23-24

Customer Service


For questions regarding benefits or claims status, contact:

  • 免费电话:1(800)821-7710(周一至周五上午8:00.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central Time)
  • Chat with us at: www.lewermark.com
  • Email us at: (电子邮件保护)
  • 你们学校的LewerMark专用网页: www.lewermark.com/gvsu
  • 物理地址:
    9900 W 109th St. Suite 200
    Overland Park, KS 66210

LewerMark's Make Your Mark奖学金竞赛

LewerMark's "Make Your Mark" International Scholarship Contest - Spring 2024

Create a video describing how American culture is different from your home culture.

在提交的内容上要有创意:要有趣! 戏剧化一点! 你有艺术修养吗?? Create a cartoon!




Sunday, March 10, 2024 (Scholarships will be announced May 2, 2024)

Apply today at: www.lewermark.com/international-scholarship-spring-2024/
