Portrait of Marcia Haas

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玛西娅·哈斯(Marcia Haas)担任大峡谷第一夫人的时间更久了 than 11 years. 她说,她与学生们立刻产生了共鸣 她的丈夫托马斯·J·肯尼迪(Thomas J. Haas, was 在他们来到校园后不久,学生们就给他们起了外号t -哈斯.

她最自豪的是他们的三个孩子(埃里克,格雷格和莎拉) 四个孙女(另一个孙女即将出生). 

玛西亚出生在爱荷华州,在密歇根州的联合城长大,是一名 graduate of Albion College. She serves on the Grand Rapids Symphony 董事会,Clark Retirement Community Board of Trustees,以及 肯特郡公园基金会董事会. She is also an active member of the P.E.O. 姐妹会,一个国际妇女组织.

你以热情的个性、脚踏实地和热情著称 being quick to smile. What were you like as a child?

Oh, I was very playful and animated. I was not shy — almost to the extreme. I was a bit of a tomboy. I liked to do things that my brothers liked to do. 我喜欢在联合城长大,那是个 这是一块美丽的美国馅饼,也是一个养家糊口的好地方. In 高中时,我在年鉴上工作,喜欢参加乐队和合唱团 and drama. Those experiences helped launch me.

长大后,我一直想成为一名教师. It was and is a very honored and revered profession. I had a wonderful experience teaching 帮助孩子们学习阅读. As a teacher, I have 经历了从幼儿园到微积分的所有阶段的学习 为什么教育的连续性如此重要.

在一次校园演讲中,你提到了 grandmothers had on your life. How so?

我尊重他们,喜欢以不同的方式和他们在一起. They each contributed to who I am today.

奶奶,我妈妈的妈妈,教我如何缝纫. I have fond memories of 坐在她的腿上,花时间在爱荷华州的农场,做 chores and riding horses. 

人们被我父亲的母亲所吸引. I loved hearing about 祖母去墨西哥、夏威夷和阿拉斯加的旅行. She started a 为女性提供国际项目的奖学金 to universities in the U.S. through P.E.O., and started two chapters in Alaska.

你的三个孩子都是粉丝,你一定很自豪吧 追随父亲的脚步,为国效力.

It's hard to put into words.

我们的每个孩子都有不同的理由和不同的模式 how they wanted to serve their country. Eric told me when he was 12 he 他将要成为一名宇航员,他参加了他们的训练项目. He 现在是空军的战斗机飞行员. Greg, who is in the 海岸警卫队,喜欢做维和型的仆人. And, Sarah, 他是海军的核工程师,想利用她 engineering expertise. 

I am very, very proud of them. I know what they have sacrificed. I 我珍惜照顾家庭和孩子的角色,而汤姆 was in the Coast Guard. His career took us to many parts of the 并通过友谊和经历丰富了我们的生活.

你对艺术的热情很深,甚至对社区也是如此 theater in several states. What draws you to the arts? 

艺术在很多方面丰富了我们的生活. While in community theater 我演过《博天堂官方》、《博天堂官方网页》(Wizard of Oz) the good witch), "Meet Me in St. Louis," and "Bye Bye Birdie.“我喜欢它,因为你可以在舞台上扮演任何人 can take that role and develop it. I also loved being together with people of all ages.

莉莎·明内利曾经说过她可以在五分钟内学会任何东西 I thought, I can do the same thing. If you watch and observe, you can learn anything.

你在开幕式上的讲话非常感人 哈斯表演艺术中心.

I was. 能够产生重要的影响是一件令人羞愧的事 以一种你做梦都想不到的方式. We have been richly blessed beyond what we deserve. We are so happy that we could give back. 

每个心中都有梦想或想法的人,说出来吧. Get it out there. Help make it happen. It could be the grand idea of the day.


I love every aspect of the role. I love getting to know students and parents. 我喜欢和老师们一起工作,向他们学习 talents. 我有幸走遍了各大洲,除了 Antarctica. 而且,我认为在我们家招待客人是一种荣幸. 

我最喜欢的部分是在我们家招待住宿助理 在秋天,感受着新学年的新鲜. It's an exciting time. Everyone is happy to be back together. They all want selfies with Tom. These students are such a united group; they bring the optimism of a new year. 


我们坐下来看《博天堂官方》的重播 "Downton Abbey.“我们打理花园,照顾我们的孙子孙女 and take time for Laker, our dog. Our home is a piece of Grand Valley history and we are stewards of this home. We love to share it with the community.


Yes, I did dream it. I've more than surpassed it. I feel very fortunate. 这不是为了获得什么,而是为了成为其中的一部分 一个更大的社区,让上帝的光芒照耀我们.

我很幸运一路上有很多导师——我的 爷爷奶奶,给我勇气的历史老师. When I was 19 and 在参加密歇根小姐选美比赛时,一个女人把手放在我的 她耸耸肩对我说:“记住这一刻. Don't be afraid. 当你回首往事时,这应该是你迈出的第一步 into the real world. If you can do this, you are all set."