工作日 is live: 的 road to a new enterprise system

本文由 米歇尔Coffill


For most faculty and staff, that means it's time to continue learning and navigating this new application that replaces multiple business systems.

For Information Technology staff members and other stakeholders like Business and Finance, Payroll and Human Resources, this day represents the culmination of more than three years of discussing and planning for a new enterprise platform, then communicating and training more 超过3000名员工使用它.

Ben Rapin, associate vice president for IT and chief technology officer, said several factors converged at the same time to make what he called "a herculean effort" to shift from Banner to 工作日. But mostly, he said, it was an increasingly urgent need to replace what was becoming an outdated system.

Banner, operated by software company Ellucian, was not keeping pace with what university leaders needed it to do, 列宾说.

"It was not getting to cloud fast enough," 列宾说. "的re were times when there would be new financial aid regulations or new tax regulations and we would have to take the whole 进行这些修改."

And there were all those other systems: Concur, PageUp, Ultratime, OnBase和更多.

"We would get feedback from people who were having to navigate seven, eight, nine different systems, and moving data from one to 另一个,”拉宾说. 

Discussions about moving to a new system that would serve as one source for all personal, financial and operational data began in 2020. 列宾说 it didn't take long to find 工作日. “这是No. 1 system used by Fortune 500 companies and the industry standard for 工资和人力资源,”他说.

With input and agreement from many campus divisions and departments, 列宾说 a contract was signed with 工作日 in 2022, knowing a student platform from the company would come later. 工作的学生 will be fully implemented during the 2026-2027 academic year; staff deeply involved in the project will begin engaging with that platform soon.

"This was never only an IT initiative, it was a university 主动,”他说. “我们邀请了所有使用的部门 Banner and they joined us for countless 工作日 demonstrations. 然后 we brought in the Provost's Office, then Records and Financial Aid. 的y were attending demonstrations for student usage at the same time."

Mychal Coleman, associate vice president for Human Resources, said his department walked in step with IT and others from the beginning of 这一行动.

“From the beginning stages of the 工作日 implementation, we understood this program would revolutionize our capacity in HR and for 我们的校园伙伴,”科尔曼说. “很容易参与进来 in this project knowing this single platform would allow us to make more informed decisions from our data, provide autonomy to departments, and ultimately support the changing needs of our faculty, 教职员和学生雇员.”

Interest and enthusiasm for a new platform spread quickly. 它创造了 a group of change agents, tasked with advocating for 工作日 and communicating its changes to colleagues, and super users, or early adopters.

“看到人们的热情真的很棒. 有超过 100 people on campus who wanted to be involved very early on," 列宾说. "And that's Grand Valley, that's the can-do mindset 这所大学的. 这个项目只是放大了这一点."

Now with a live platform, 列宾说 communication about 工作日 has 转向支持. 的 工作日的网站 特性 common questions and answers, thanks to a team of people from IT, 人力资源和商业/财务. Rapin说,虽然工作日是 up and running, the next two months of implementation will be critical as staff identifies and corrects any problems with the transition.

Rapin expressed his appreciation for the countless hours of work on this project by colleagues in IT and many other departments. 

"的re was so much information in Banner to move over and for everyone to meet this timeline; it's been incredible to watch this 进化并团结起来,”他说.


特色 穿过校园

This article was last edited on January 3, 2024 at 10:46 a.m.


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