Apply for Certification

本页提供了在密歇根州申请认证的信息. 选择您感兴趣的区域,跳转到认证要求和认证更新信息.

Contact Us for Assistance

如有任何博天堂官方网页教育者认证和教师认证的问题, you are welcome to contact the Certification Officer, Kym Pawelka via email at [email protected] or call (616) 331-6211. 如果您是在校生,请提供您的学生g号.

Certification Frequently Asked Questions

Make sure your MTTC scores have been officially reported to GVSU. If you’re not sure if the Education programs have this information, please contact the Certification Officer to confirm. Once the Education 学校已经收到了你的MTTC成绩 在测试公司,你可以申请你的标准教学证书 via MOECS Login and Access instructions.

The Michigan Department of Education changed all Provisional Certificates to Standard Certificates as of November 15, 2017. If you previously held a Provisional Certificate, it is now a Standard Certificate. Standard Certificates are valid for 5 years and may be renewed an unlimited number of times. Each renewal adds five years to the certificate’s validity. A renewal can be requested any time after January 1 of the expiration year upon completion of the renewal requirements. Progression to the Professional Certificate is no longer required by the MDE, but please contact the Certification Officer to discuss your options.

Please see MDE's Requirements to Progress to Professional Teacher Certification. This includes taking a Reading Requirement for Professional Certification, which requires you to take a Reading Diagnosis and Remediation course for your Professional certification.

This depends on a number of factors, including which program you completed and if the program’s requirements have changed in recent years. Please contact the Certification Officer to discuss your particular inquiry.

GVSU offers many different endorsement options. Please visit our Graduate Programs page to see a list of endorsements. To inquire about a specific endorsement, please contact the Certification Officer.

Unless you need your teaching certificate for employment purposes, you are advised to let it lapse. You can renew your teaching certificate at any time upon completion of MDE requirements. The Education-Related Professional Learning hours just need to be earned after the issue date of your last certificate. For example: if you received a teaching certificate in 2002 and completed at least 6 2005年的大学学分,但你的证书2007年就过期了,你可以 still renew your certificate now. As long as the MDE requirements have not changed, you have met the renewal requirements.

The ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) is taken by students who are planning to student teach in a language. The test must be completed in order to move forward with student teaching plans. The test can be completed over the phone with a live proctor or on the computer with a pre-recorded proctor.

For more information, visit the OPI Testing page in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures.

Michigan has teacher certification reciprocity with most of the United States through the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. This agreement allows teachers certified in Michigan to teach in most states. Other states may impose certain requirements to transfer and maintain your teacher certification. Note that Michigan has strict requirements for teacher certification, which means that Michigan-certified teachers are well-prepared and can easily move to other states.

If you are interested in transferring your teacher certification to another state, you will need to work with that state's Department of Education. For example, the Michigan Department of Education has information for Out-of-State Applicants on the requirements needed for transferring into Michigan.

MOECS Registration and Instructions for Certification

当您完成认证所需的所有要求时, 你需要通过密歇根在线教育认证系统(MOECS)数据库申请教师认证. 所有寻求任何认证的密歇根州教育工作者都必须在MOECS注册,才能获得他们的教育证书. Please visit the MOECS website for more information.

Support for MOECS


电话和电子邮件支持时间为周一至周四上午8:05至中午,下午1:05.m. to 4:50 p.m.


Standard Teaching Certificate

The Standard Teaching Certificate is an initial, five-year teaching certificate with unlimited renewals. 最初获得标准教学认证的要求是通过完成一个 Undergraduate Program or Graduate Teacher Certification (GTC) Program. Upon completion of requirements, 候选人必须拥有MEIS帐户,并通过密歇根州在线教育者认证系统(MOECS)在线自行注册,启动认证推荐流程。. 有关如何创建MEIS帐户和申请认证的说明, renewal or endorsement, go to the MOECS website.

Each renewal adds five years to the certificate’s validity. 在满足要求的期满年度的1月1日之后的任何时间都可以申请续期.


Professional Teaching Certificate

专业教师证书是一个为期五年的教师证书,可以无限续期. (在申请专业教师证书之前,您必须先获得标准证书.) Each renewal adds five years to the certificate’s validity. 可以在到期年度的1月1日之后的任何时间申请续期. 有关专业教师证书的其他问题见 Certification FAQ.

请注意,密歇根专业教学证书的候选人需要完成一份 Reading Requirement for Professional Certificate.

Reading Requirement for Professional Certificate

Michigan Public Act 118 of 2006 requires candidates for Michigan Professional Teaching Certification 完成一门阅读障碍诊断与补救及差异化教学课程. 在大峡谷州立大学,这一要求可以通过以下课程来满足:

  • EDR 612 Reading Assessments: Elementary Teachers - 3 Credits (for elementary certified teachers)
    本课程探讨课堂适当的读写能力评估和差异化的教学方法,以满足不同班级学生的需求K-8年级. The course content meets the State school code PA 118. A K-8 teaching certificate is required to take this course.
  • EDR 613 Reading Assessments: Secondary Teachers 3 Credits (for secondary certified teachers)
    本课程探讨课堂适当的读写能力评估和差异化的教学方法,以满足6-12年级不同班级学生的需求. This course content meets the State school code PA 118. A 6-12 teaching certificate is required to take this course.
  • EDR 626 Literacy Assessment and Instruction 3学分(仅适用于GVSU阅读硕士课程的教师)
    Field based literacy course that examines research and theory, differentiated instruction, 以及适合满足K-12学生读写能力需求的评估方法. 20 hours of tutoring required. The course content meets the State school code PA 118.
  • EDS 636诊断和解释程序和EDS 638教学实践 6学分(这两门课程的结合符合州立学校代码pa118.)
    • EDS 636 Diagnostic and Interpretative Procedures
    • EDS 638 Instructional Practices: Learning Disabilities 2
      In this course, students will learn instructional practices for teaching reading, writing, mathematics, 和社会技能,以儿童和青少年的高发病率残疾.

注意:以上提到的专业教学证书的阅读诊断要求 is different from the reading methods requirement for the Michigan Standard Teaching Certificate. 如果你在1985年之后在密歇根高等教育机构完成了初始教学证书, 你的课程作业可能已经达到了阅读方法的要求. 如果您在其他州完成了初始教学证书,请 contact the Certification Officer 验证你以前的课程是否满足了阅读方法的要求. 完成阅读方法要求是获得标准教学证书的必要条件, 然而,阅读方法和阅读诊断要求都是获得专业教师证书所必需的.

School Administrator Certificate

学校管理人员证书是一个为期五年的证书,可以无限续签. 有兴趣获得学校管理人员证书的候选人必须与密歇根州教育部会面 Requirements for School Administrator Certification.

学校管理者的主要职责是管理教学项目,他们必须持有有效的 School Administrator Certificate.

This includes the following positions:

  • Superintendent
  • Principal
  • Assistant Principal
  • Chief Business Official

学校管理人员证书是一个为期五年的证书,可以无限续签. Each renewal adds five years to the certificate’s validity. 可以在到期年度的1月1日之后的任何时间申请续期.

Page last modified February 6, 2024