
Chalk drawing of handicapped symbol with a heart integrated into the bottom left


美国 Congress designated each October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). 美国 Office of Disability Employment Policy has the lead in planning NDEAM activities and materials to increase the public's awareness of the contributions and skills of American workers with 残疾的人. Various programs carried out throughout the month also highlight the specific employment barriers that still need to be addressed and removed.

This effort to educate the American public about issues related to disability and employment actually began in 1945, when Congress enacted a law declaring the first week in October each year "National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week." In 1962, the word "physically" was removed to acknowledge the employment needs and contributions of individuals with all types of 残疾的人. In 1988, Congress expanded the week to a month and changed the name to "National Disability Employment Awareness Month."

In an effort to help educate the campus and community about 残疾的意识, 大峡谷州立大学 Disability Support Resources office organizes several events and activities during the 十月. 检查十月 博天堂官方 州立大学活动日历 (http://www.Grand Valley.edu/events/)查阅详情.

ADAAA (2008)



People with 残疾的人 are people first. The Americans with Disabilities Act officially changed the way people with 残疾的人 are referred to and provided the model. The person first and then the disability. This emphasizes the person and not the disability.

  • Positive Example: "Emily, who has Asperger's Syndrome, will be in our class for this week."
  • Negative Example: "The blind student reads using Braille"

Do use the word disability when referring to someone who has a physical, 精神, 情感, 感觉, 或者学习障碍.

不要用残疾这个词. A handicap is what a person with a disability cannot do.

Avoid labeling individuals as victims, or the disabled, or names of conditions. Instead, refer to people with 残疾的人 or someone who has epilepsy.

避免使用轮椅束缚之类的词语. Wheelchairs provide access and enable individuals to get around. Instead, refer to a person who uses a wheelchair or someone with a mobility impairment.

When it is appropriate to refer to an individual's disability, choose the correct terminology for the specific disability. 使用诸如四肢瘫痪之类的术语, 语言障碍, 听力障碍, 侏儒症, 或者特殊学习障碍.

As recommended by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and current medical terminology


When introduced, offer to shake hands. People with limited hand use or artificial limbs can usually shake hands. It is an acceptable greeting to use the left hand for shaking.

把成年人当成年人看待. Avoid patronizing people who use wheelchairs by patting them on the shoulder or touching their head. Never place your hands on a person's wheelchair as the chair is a part of the body space of the user.

如果可能的话, sit down when talking to a person who uses a wheelchair so that you are at the person's eye level.

Speak directly to the person with a disability. Do not communicate through another person. If the person uses an interpreter, look at the person and speak to the person, not the interpreter.

Offer assistance with sensitivity and respect. Ask if there is something you might do to help. If the offer is declined, do not insist.

If you are a sighted guide for a person with a visual impairment, allow the person to take your arm at or above the elbow so that you guide rather than propel.

When talking with a person with a 语言障碍, 专注地倾听, ask short questions that require short answers, 避免纠正, and repeat what you understand if you are uncertain.

When first meeting a person with blindness, identify yourself and any others who may be with you.

When speaking to a person with a 听力障碍, look directly at the person and speak slowly. Avoid placing your hand over your mouth when speaking. Written notes may be helpful for short conversations.

The History of Disability Rights in the United States

一群残疾人权利倡导者, marching and holding a sign that says "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,"-Dr. 马丁·路德·金.

A Brief History of the Passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)

美国国家公共电台 通过line,.D.A.,现在! 

"The Americans with Disabilities Act is considered the most important civil rights law since the 1960s. 通过 first-person stories, we look back at the making of this movement, the history of how disability came to be seen as a civil rights issue in the first place, and what the disability community is still fighting for more than 30 years later.——美国国家公共电台专线 

GVSU Inclusion and Equity Overview Video
