可教的选项 & 资源


All of our teaching programs are advised primarily out of the CLAS Advising Center up until apprenticeship (at which point students will work with the Office of Certification and Accreditation).  Our staff is 在这里 to help with any questions you have!!  We encourage you keep in contact with us to help ensure you're taking courses in the right order, understand the program, get any support you need, 等.  我们是来帮忙的!!!



Student Information for Teacher Certification

Instructions for Declaring Teaching Majors and Minors, along with program requirements, 可以在我们的 Curriculum Guides Website. 点击 on your intended major, find the curriculum guide that corresponds to the year you started at GVSU, and then scroll to the second page for instructions.

**remember that all teaching majors are advised out of CLAS Advising up until their apprenticeship 






Graduate Teacher Certification

Adding an Endorsement

密歇根州. Test for Teacher Cert.

Teaching Related Frequently Asked Questions

One of your majors is the area you'll teach (ie: elementary classes (PCKET majors), English classes, Art classes, 等.)和你的其他 major is the pedagogy side of education and learning how to be a teacher (ie: Educational Studies, Education, 特殊教育, 等.)

提交一个 覆盖 通过横幅 and then watch closely for a google form asking 你了解更多详情。.

T在这里 are a variety of ways to tell what specific concentration 你需要的课程! 

  • 点击 在这里 to view our curriculum guide and scroll to page two to see the options for the Science, Math, English, and Social Studies concentration requirements. 
    • If you are an Honors student, your Honors program will cover the concentration-so don't worry about this section!
  • Go into your myPath (banner-student-student records-myPath degree planning and evaluation) and scroll to your PCKET major to see your content area requirements (near the bottom, just about the BA/BS requirements in your PCKET major).
  • 的 GVSU PCKET网页 shows the requirements for each respective concentration area, as well.

这 link will help with registration support as needed to view 还有选项.

EDR 320 exists in two different versions of elementary education:

  • If you are a PCKET major, you must take ENG 201 prior to taking EDR 320.  Sections 01-05 in the fall and 01-06 in the winter are for PCKET students, the other sections are for other programs.
  • If you are a CSAT, English, Integrated Science, Math, or Social Studies elementary major, you will not be able to add the course until you have been admitted to your apprenticeship semester

是的!  You need EDR 320 and EDS 318  要么  before EDS/EDR 323 or concurrently.  If taking EDR 320 and/or EDS 318 concurrently with EDR/EDS 323, you will need to register for EDR 320 and/or EDS 318 in banner first and then you should be able to 添加EDS/EDR 323.

EDT 476 must be taken during your student assisting apprenticeship.

MTH 428 must be taken during your student teaching internship semester.

While it is possible to take EDS 379 during your apprenticeship semester, it is highly encouraged to take it prior to apprenticeship, or possibly in the summer between apprenticeship and internship (if 适用).  It must be taken prior to your internship.

While our advisors can help explain what you'll need for the application, you would be best served by working with the Office of Certification and Accreditation.  的ir office reviews the applications, makes placements, and has more information about the 过程.  点击 在这里 to see more details on the application requirements.


It depends on your specific major.  点击 在这里 and then scroll to bullet point two, "Prerequisite Courses", and click on your specific major to see the 必备的课程.



Page last modified January 17, 2024