Catering Guidelines & Policies

经典票价餐饮是自豪地提供最高质量的餐饮大峡谷州立大学社区. 我们制定了以下指导方针和政策,以成功响应您的需求,并为您提供最充分的服务.

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Room Reservations

Before placing your catering order, 请联系大楼的活动服务协调员预订场地. 安排房间布置是客户的责任 & A/V needs. 如果你想帮助确定表格的数量和大小,你将需要, or what time our catering team needs access to the room, our Catering Coordinator will be happy to assist you. 以下是负责预订Allendale上各个地点的人员名单 & Grand Rapids campus.


Person to Contact


All Academic Rooms

Records Office
[email protected]

GVSU Registrar
Reserve room online

Allendale - Outside Areas

[email protected]

Event Services

Alumni House

[email protected]

Conference & Event Planning

Athletic Fields

Kate Knopp
(616) 331-2685

Sports Facilities

The Bicycle Factory

(616) 331-5980
[email protected]

Conference & Event Planning

Calder Arts Center

Jill Hamilton
(616) 331-3484
[email protected]

Department of Art & Design

Cook-Dewitt Center

Shyceka Armstrong
(616) 331-2350

Event Services

Fieldhouse Complex

Kate Knopp
(616) 331-2685

Sports Facilities

Henry Hall Atrium

Shyceka Armstrong
(616) 331-2350
[email protected]

Event Services

Kirkhof Center

Shyceka Armstrong 
(616) 331-2350
[email protected] 

Event Services

Kirkhof Center Lobby Tables

Shyceka Armstrong 
(616) 331-2350
[email protected]

Event Services

L. William Seidman Center

Erika VanDyke
(616) 331-5980
[email protected]

Conference & Event Planning

Lake Michigan Center & MAREC

Conference & Event Planning
(616) 331-6624
[email protected]

Conference & Event Planning

Lake Ontario Hall - Room 167

Shyceka Armstrong
(616) 331-2350
[email protected]

Event Services

The Meadows

Jen Mendham
(616) 331-1010
[email protected]

The Meadows

Performing Arts Center

Cassie DeHaan
(616) 331-3484
[email protected]

Music, Theatre & Dance

Richard M. DeVos Center

(616) 331-6624
[email protected]

Conference & Event Planning

Advance Notice

Please begin planning your event at least one month in advance. All order and event details must be finalized by 12pm at least 5 business days prior to event date. 如果提前不到5个工作日提出申请,将收取30%的滞纳金. 请注意,周六和周日不是标准工作日. 

Minimum Ordering deadlines to avoid charges:

  • Order by 12pm Monday for the following Monday 
  • Order by 12pm Tuesday for the following Tuesday 
  • Order by 12pm Wednesday for the following Wednesday 
  • Order by 12pm Thursday for the following Thursday 
  • 周五下午12点前订购下一个周五、周六或周日的订单 

Guaranteed Guest Counts

经典票价餐饮需要在您的活动前五个工作日的最后客人计数. 客人人数在五(5)个工作日内发生变化,酒店将加收30%的滞纳金. 每次少于5个工作日的更改将收取费用. 所有餐饮活动将按最终接待客人人数或接待客人数量的100%收费, whichever is greater.

Event Cancellations

服务可因任何原因在活动日期前的任何时间取消.  If the cancellation is 5 business days or less prior to the event, a 50% fee will be charged.  If the cancellation occurs within 2 business days of the event, a 100% event fee will be charged. 

如果大学在你的活动当天已经进入远程状态, 您的餐饮订单将根据您决定是否继续举办活动而定.           

与你的设施所在地和你的院长/任命官核实你部门的期望. For events choosing to cancel, 收费将只评估易腐产品,已准备, ready for service, and cannot be otherwise used. 

Order Minimums

  • Weekday events before 5pm: No minimum
  • Weekday events from 5pm-8pm:  $200 minimum 
  • Saturday & Sunday events from 8am – 8pm:  $350 minimum 
  • Events with clean up time after 10pm: $100 service charge 

请记住,我们的菜单上有最低客人数量的要求. Please see the catering menu for more information. 

Payment/Service Fees

与GVSU活动无关的活动将增加20%的管理费*和6%的销售税.  如果是免税的,需要在付款时存档适当的文件. 您需要在活动前三(3)个工作日提供完整的付款信息. Payment by FOAP is preferred. Credit Card payment is permitted. 仅接受通过CaterTrax下订单的用餐美元.

Additional Fees


  • 在柯克霍夫或德沃斯大楼外举行的活动将收取15美元的送货费. 

  • 任何后续送货请求将导致每次10美元的费用. This is contingent on staff availability.  


  • 亚麻布包括所有食品和饮料自助餐所需的活动.   

  • 如果您需要额外的床单,请在预订时通知您的活动协调员.  

  • 额外的客用亚麻布或桌沿需额外收费. 基本的白色客人桌每张7美元,额外的镶边桌每张25美元.   

  • 购买的亚麻制品不含食品或饮料,必须到餐饮办公室领取. 

  • 专业亚麻布是可用的,并收取基于供应商市场价格. 

Bar Setup:  

  • Includes glassware, assorted Pepsi products, cranberry and orange juice, iced water and cocktail napkins for $3.50 per person.  

  • Stemmed glassware will be offered for all indoor bar setups, and compostable glassware will be used for outdoor setups.  

  • Please note, 酒精和调酒服务是单独收费的,需要与会议和活动规划或活动服务协调. 

Providing your own cake:  

  • 食品豁免需要填写并提交给活动协调员.  

  • 切蛋糕每人1美元,包括餐饮人员切蛋糕的费用.  Does not include plates, napkins & forks.  

  • Full-service cake cutting and plating is $2 per person, 包括瓷器或可堆肥的服务,以及一名餐饮人员来切蛋糕和装盘. 

Customized Menus

我们才华横溢的厨师很高兴创造特殊的菜单,以满足您的烹饪喜好, dietary needs, and budget. 请直接与餐饮办公室联系,安排个人咨询. 如果自定义菜单中包含通常不在库存中的食材,则必须在活动前21(21)天放置. Guest count must meet a minimum of 32 guests. All custom order pricing starts at $22 per person.

婚宴活动需要在活动日期前一个月准备好最终菜单. The final guest count must be submitted two weeks in advance.  

Changes in guest count, with 5 or less business days, 客人总数的20%(或多或少)将导致30%的滞纳金.   

Allergen Policy: 

  • All allergen meal requests, 饮食限制必须在活动前至少两周提交.  

  • 我们可以为9大食物过敏原中的任何一种做出调整(牛奶, Eggs, Fish, Crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans) and gluten.  

  • 请注意,我们依靠我们的供应商的过敏警告和成分列表. Because ingredient substitutions, 配方修改以及与过敏原的交叉接触是可能的,我们不能保证任何食品将完全不含过敏原.   

Student Groups

所有学生团体必须获得学生生活办公室的资助授权. 有关学生资助过程的进一步信息,请参阅学生生活办公室-柯克霍夫中心1110的布里安娜·斯莱格. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for funding/ordering.

Food Waiver

  • 食物豁免必须在活动日期前4周提交. Any Food Waivers submitted with less than 4 weeks prior to the event will not be considered. 

  •  Please allow 14 business days for processing. 

  • 经典票价将不迎合事件,包括食物或饮料从外面的餐厅或餐饮服务商. 

  • 食物豁免将不批准在某人家里准备的任何热食物. 所有热食必须来自有执照的餐饮服务商或餐厅.  

  • 在GVSU任何校区举行的所有活动都需要食物豁免. 

Food Waiver 

Food Truck Waiver

Page last modified August 28, 2023