Non-GVSU Student Information

Browse programs
GVSU is happy to offer Non-GVSU students an opportunity to participate in GVSU faculty-led programs as Guest Students.
浏览对非gvsu学生开放的课程.  When using the program search tool to search for programs be sure to select the Program Type box labeled "Only show me programs open to Non-GVSU students" to get an accurate list of available programs.  只要你满足所有其他列出的要求, such as GPA and class status, you are welcome to apply. 
Talk to an advisor
Visit your home institution's study abroad office to receive guidance as you plan your experience abroad.  If at any time during the planning stages you or your study abroad office have further questions, 请随时博天堂官方的教师主导的项目协调员, Kirsten Bartels, 电话:(616)331-3898或电子邮件 [email protected]
Become a Guest Student at GVSU
Before starting your study abroad application through our Study Abroad Application System(Via TRM), 你必须以客座学生的身份暂时被GVSU录取. 只要你符合以下条件, the Padnos International Center (PIC) welcomes you to submit an undergraduate or graduate guest application to GVSU:

  • 你是一名美国大学的全日制学生.S. college or university
  • 你已经完成了大一的学习
  • 你的学术成绩良好,至少有2分.5 GPA (3.0 graduate)
  • 你没有未完成的或正在进行的纪律处分、司法或学术行为 



Graduate students: 更多信息和资源请点击这里

在你填写完申请表的学生部分之后, take the form to your Registrar’s Office (or the office at your school that processes applications) where they will complete and sign it. The completed guest application must then be sent from your home institution to the Admission's Office at GVSU by email: [email protected] or fax: (616) 331-2000. 
一旦你被接受为客座学生, 您将收到重要的学生账户信息,包括:g号(G00xxxxxx), a GVSU network login (i.e. 和GVSU的电子邮件帐户(i.e. [email protected]).
It is your responsibility to activate your GVSU student accounts following the instructions you receive in your acceptance materials.  所有博天堂官方网页你的录取的电子邮件和信件, bill, course registration, enrollment, 和留学材料将发送到您的GVSU邮箱. 要熟悉我们的学生账户和信息,请点击这里.
如果您对初始化您的学生帐户有疑问, confidentiality requirements, cancellation policies, or other concerns, 请访问GVSU学生账户网页.  If you continue to experience any trouble logging in or accessing your account information please contact the PIC, 我们会和你一起解决这个问题.
Apply for study abroad
现在你已经激活了你的GVSU学生账户, 您已经准备好创建并提交您的留学申请.  填妥的申请表必须于晚上11点59分前递交.m. on February 1st.  点击PIC主页顶部的“立即申请”链接或开始申请 here.
您将被引导到留学申请门户网站(通过TRM).  使用您的GVSU网络登录名和密码.  您的第一步是完成您的个人资料信息.  提交,并继续应用程序.

论文问题-您的论文将由PIC和指定的教务主任阅读.  建议你把对作文提示的回答写在Word文档中, 然后将它们复制粘贴到应用程序字段中. 

Release of Information -  You will be asked if you would like to give PIC permission to speak with a parent or other contact person(s).  If you provide a contact person, we will be happy to speak with that individual if questions arise.  Due to confidentiality laws, there is limited information that can be provided to your family without this written consent.

Faculty Recommendations – You are required to provide two faculty emails for recommendations. 请验证电子邮件地址是否正确输入到相应的字段中. After finalizing your application an electronic request for recommendation will be sent through Via TRM to the faculty members you specify. It is your responsibility to follow up with the specified professors to ensure your recommendations are completed by the deadline (11:59 p.m. February 1). 在提交两份推荐之前,您的申请不被认为是完整的.

$105 Deposit - All study abroad applicants pay a non-refundable deposit at the time of application. 如果你继续你的出国留学计划, 你会看到这105美元被记入你的课程费用.   如果你在被录取后选择撤回你的留学申请, you will forfeit your $105 deposit and will be responsible for any additional non-recoverable costs. Please read our cancellation policy carefully before making your deposit and submitting your application.

*我们的一些项目空间有限.  如果容量达到,将优先考虑攻读学位的GVSU学生.

Post Acceptance/ Pre-departure

在2月1日截止日期之后,您的录取将由PIC最终确定.  一旦你收到录取通知书, 你应该开始填写所需的岗位接受表格.  They are as follows:

费用表-已经为您填写了逐项费用表.  However, you must complete the submission in order for it to appear on your student accounts.

Passport – You must upload a copy of the signed identification page of your passport to your Study Abroad Application Portal (Via TRM). 

Medical Insurance – Provide proof of medical insurance that covers you in your study abroad destination by entering your policy number and other requested insurance provider information.  如果你不确定你的保险是否覆盖你的海外, 直接联系您的供应商.

健康信息-尽可能完整地填写问卷.  The information you provide is confidential and only reviewed by approved staff in the event of a medical emergency.

View our complete 教师主导的项目出发前检查表.

You will be assessed a portion of the program fee if you cancel your GVSU study abroad program at any time after you have been accepted by the Padnos International Center. Refer to the Cancellation Policy prior to making any decisions to withdraw from your program.

The Padnos International Center helps coordinate GVSU faculty-led summer programs and provides additional support. Once you have been accepted, most of your communication will be turned over to the professor or faculty director who is leading your study abroad program.   Be sure to check your email frequently for updates and any pre-departure tasks or responsibilities you may be assigned.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Padnos International Center to speak with one of our advisors if you have any questions or concerns throughout the pre-departure process: (616) 331-3898.

Your faculty director will contact you and send you all of the necessary information for registering for your study abroad program’s course(s).   您必须通过以下方式注册该计划的指定课程 MyBanner 在GVSU春季/夏季注册截止日期之前.  使用您的GVSU g号登录,并按照注册课程所提供的步骤进行操作.

Funding your journey


Guest Students pay GVSU in-state tuition for study abroad plus an additional $25 per credit. View the GVSU Tuition Rate 

学生通常通过经济援助的组合来支付出国留学的费用, scholarships, grants, 个人基金和另类贷款. 通过研究和早期规划,出国留学是可以负担得起的.  Unfortunately, 被允许出国留学的客座学生没有资格获得GVSU的任何经济援助, 申请pic资助的奖学金, 或者使用付款/分期付款的方式来支付账单.  

Contact both the study abroad and financial aid offices at your home institution to discuss your eligibility for aid and other finance options.  如果你的账单没有在公布的付款截止日期前全额支付, 你的注册将被取消,你将被从这门课中除名. To avoid this, be sure to:

  • Complete the necessary steps to maintain your degree-seeking status at your home institution and get your GVSU study abroad program approved.
  • 检查您的GVSU电子邮件中重要的账单邮件.
  • 通过您的GVSU学生帐户在线按时足额支付账单.

Upon your return
所有教师主导的海外学习参与者都可以获得GVSU的课程学分。. Courses are recorded on an official GVSU transcript unless your home institution has requested an exception.

GVSU provides one official transcript per student upon completion of a study abroad program. 所有非gvsu参与者必须填写成绩单申请表, to indicate the official office at your home institution to which the transcript should be sent. 你将不会收到成绩单的个人副本.  其他成绩单可以向注册办公室索取. You will need to use the downloadable PDF form and submit it via mail or fax to GVSU's Registrar's Office. 
