

  • 高层领导团队





SLT 11.14

  1. 政策
  2. 政策声明
  3. 程序


的 purpose of this policy is to establish standards, guidelines, and procedures for the 购买和/或租赁 of all information technology hardware, software, and computer-related components, as well as the 承包所有技术服务. 这项政策将确保这一点 all 大峡谷州立大学 purchases and leases align with strategic priorities; existing technical infrastructure, assets, and standards; information security guidelines; legal and regulatory compliance; optimal use of institutional funds and resources; and must still comply with general university procurement procedures and policies. 

这一政策 applies to all who access the institution’s information technology resources and 服务, including administrators, faculty, 雇员、学生、承包商和供应商.  
这一政策 covers all information technology hardware, software, and computer-related components purchased and/or leased with Grand Valley 州立大学基金. 具体来说,这个政策包括,但不是 limited to, the following 大峡谷州立大学 technology resources: 

•端点硬件,如桌面, 笔记本电脑、平板电脑、打印机和移动设备.
•设备 connected to GVSU’s network infrastructure, wired or wireless.
•    Enterprise audio-visual equipment for offices, classrooms, and/or 会议室.
•用于使用的应用程序或端点 在实验室和/或教室.
•企业基础设施 including servers, switches, research machines, and storage 设备.
•    Software, 服务, and applications including those 由外部方提供.
•消耗的系统/服务; create, or update 大学 data including those that allow access 使用大学帐户.

这一政策 extends to technical 服务, such as off-site disaster recovery solutions and Internet Service Providers (ISPs), as well as professional 服务, such as consultants and legal professionals hired through the 资讯科技部. 这些包括,但是 不限于以下内容: 

•签约IT的专业人士或公司 服务
•主机代管 服务

所有 hardware, software, or components purchased and/or leased with 大峡谷州立大学 funds are the property of Grand Valley 州立大学. This includes items purchased through grants and 专业发展基金. 


  1. 的 资讯科技部 is responsible for acquiring and/or approving all hardware and software products purchased and/or 以大学经费租用. 通过正常的操作手段 资讯科技部 replaces certain hardware on a regular basis and maintains a software library containing products 满足大多数需求. 此策略的目的是定义 process by which additional hardware and software products are 审查ed, purchased/leased, and maintained, with respect to data security, operational integrity, and long-term sustainability. 的 资讯科技部 will neither install nor support hardware or software that has not been approved in advance of 购买和/或租赁. 信息技术部可以 assist in determining if the 大学 already owns hardware and 满足部门需要的软件.
  2. 所有 technology purchases and/or leases that either A) exceed $500 per unit or $1000 total or B) include computers, laptops, network-connected 设备, local or cloud-based storage, tablets, peripherals, phones, printers, copiers, software that consumes/transmits/stores GVSU data, or service contracts must first be submitted to the 资讯科技部*. 除了…之外 IT approval, funding must also be approved by a department head (or 指定人员).

    *    IT审查将在两个工作日内开始.   所有 technology acquisitions must be completed through standard purchasing and procurement processes; personally funded technology purchases for 大峡谷州立大学 business needs may not 是报销.
  3. A standard items list will be maintained containing Grand Valley 州立大学’s pre-approved technology 设备, applications, 服务和产品. 标准物品已被证明是 supportable by the 资讯科技部, compatible with 大学支持的系统,并且具有成本效益. 选择供应商 已获得最优定价和支持. 部门应该 use this list as a source for products and 服务. 建议 可以对供应商进行评估.
  4. A requested item already in inventory, will be made available to 请求者. Requests for standard items not in inventory will be processed according to this policy statement and in alignment with 标准采购程序.
  5. If approved, a formal selection process will be initiated that will involve a thorough vendor sourcing, per the 大学’s 采购政策.

    •    的 selection process may vary depending on the type, 成本等采购重要因素.
    •个人 requesting non-standard items for 购买和/或租赁 can suggest a potential vendor if a pre-existing relationship exists between that vendor and 大峡谷州立大学 or use the procurement CO-OP that has pre-vetted certain vendors/products.
  6. For the purchase of cellular phones and wireless service provider 合同,请参阅 大学 移动电话和无线通信策略.
  7. 看到 大学 采购政策 浏览额外的购买指引.
  8. 所有购买的技术必须符合 机密性、 Data & 安全策略.


1. Supported hardware and software request procedure

a.    检查标准项目清单 confirm whether the request can be fulfilled from the university’s 首选项目列表.
b.    联络资讯科技 报价和可用性.
c.    完成技术 请购单. 

2.  不支持的硬件和软件需要 获得额外的批准.

a.    提交IT服务门户票证 审查.
b.    IT审查将在两个工作日内开始.
c.    的 decision will be communicated in writing to the 请求者.
d.    的实现或部署的请求 complex, costly, and/or highly visible will be converted into project 进一步的要求



Non-compliant technology acquisitions will not be supported by the 资讯科技部. 购买的硬件和设备 outside this 收购政策 will not be permitted to connect to GVSU网络. 此外,GVSU数据是不允许的 collected or stored through software or storage purchased outside this 收购政策. Repeated violations of this policy will result in notification to Appointing Officers and GVSU Business and Finance for 进一步的检讨和行动.