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Michigan Legislation Initial Charter

BOT MI Legislation Charter


Michigan Legislation

Act 120 of 1960

AN ACT to establish an institution of higher education having 授予学士学位的权威被称为大峡谷大学 state university; to implement the state constitution by providing for 董事会的任命、组织 board, and the vesting of assets in the board; and to grant and confirm the powers of the board.

History: 1960, Act 120, Eff. Aug. 17, 1960; Am. 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., Act 24, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964; Am. 1970, Act 13, Imd. Eff. Apr. 10, 1970; Am. 1972, Act 355, Imd. Eff. Jan. 9, 1973; Am. 1987, Act 156, Imd. Eff. Nov. 5, 1987.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

390.841 Grand Valley state university; establishment; location; maintenance; equal availability of facilities; powers of board of control. [M.S.A. 15.1852(1)]

(1)建立了国家高等教育机构 有权授予学士学位,被称为Grand 谷州立大学和位于渥太华阿伦代尔镇 county. The institution shall be maintained by the state and its 设施应平等地、在同样的基础上提供给 all qualified residents of this state. The institution shall be governed by a board of control which shall be a body corporate.

(2)除了法律授予的任何其他权力外,董事会拥有所有权力 of the following powers:

(a) General supervision of the university.


(c) The right to sue and be sued.

(d) Adoption of a seal and altering of a seal.

(3) As used in this act, "board" means the board of control of Grand Valley state university.

History: 1960, Act 120, Eff. Aug. 17, 1960; Am. 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., Act 24, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964; Am. 1970, Act 13, Imd. Eff. Apr. 10, 1970; Am. 1972, Act 355, Imd. Eff. Jan. 9, 1973; Am. 1987, Act 156, Imd. Eff. Nov. 5, 1987.

390.842 Board of control; members, appointment, terms; president. [M.S.A. 15.1852(2)]

There is established a "board of control", to consist of 8 委员将由总督在听取委员会的意见及同意后委任 the senate for terms of 8 years. The president of the institution 依职权为董事会成员,无表决权.

History: 1960, Act 120, Eff. Aug. 17, 1960; Am. 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., Act 24, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964.

390.843 Board of control; election and terms of officers; treasurer's bond; vote required for incurring obligations or disposing of property or funds; quorum; conducting business in compliance with § 15.261 et seq.; notice of meeting; powers and duties enumerated. [M.S.A. 15.1852(3)]

(1)董事会可以选举1名董事会成员,也可以选举5名董事会成员 designate the president to preside at board meetings. The board shall 选举一名秘书、一名司库和委员会认为合适的其他官员 necessary, none of whom shall be a member of the board. An officer 任期为一年,直至选出继任者为止 qualified. Before permitting the treasurer to enter upon the duties of 办公室,董事会要求对本州人民有义务 有担保,且金额不少于货币数额 可能由董事会指定的财务主管掌握的. An 管理人员不得承担义务或处置董事会的财产 or funds, except in pursuance of a vote of the board.

(2)董事会成员过半数为法定人数 the transaction of business. The business which the board may perform shall be conducted in compliance with Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of 1976, being sections 15.261 to 15.275 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. 会议的时间、日期、地点应当公告 be given in the manner required by Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of 1976.

(3)董事会经其成员过半数投票可制定或修改 规则和附例,以执行董事会的业务 in subsection (1) and for the government of the institution; fix tuition and other fees and charges; appoint or remove personnel as the 机构的利益和普遍接受的原则 academic tenure permit or require; determine the compensation to be paid for services and materials; confer degrees and grant diplomas as are usually conferred or granted by similar institutions; receive, 持有和管理任何馈赠、赠款、遗赠或基金或遗产 财产,实物或个人,绝对或信托,以促进 purposes of the institution; enter into agreements, not inconsistent 有了这一行为,董事会的行为可能是可取的 affairs; and in behalf of the state, lease or dispose of property 如果董事会没有违反,那么董事会拥有的是什么 a condition or trust to which the property may be subject. The board 可以行使所有通常由理事会行使的权力吗 一所学院或大学的名称以及其中权力的列举 本条不应被视为排除未明确规定的权力 excluded by law.

History: 1960, Act 120, Eff. Aug. 17, 1960; Am. 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., Act 24, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964; Am. 1977, Act 246, Imd. Eff. Dec. 6, 1977.

390.844 Board of control; borrowing money; acquisition of property; acquisition or construction of facilities; notes or bonds. [M.S.A. 15.1852(4)]

Sec. 4. The board shall not borrow money on its general faith and 不得对其财产设置任何留置权,除非另有规定. The 董事会可取得土地或取得或建造建筑物,或改变、装备、 或维护它们,用作宿舍楼、公寓、餐厅 设施,学生中心,健康中心,停车场, stadiums, athletic fields, gymnasiums, auditoriums, and other educational facilities. After the legislature by concurrent resolution 是否已批准购置或兴建该等设施 董事会可根据上述条款发行票据或债券借款 如有必要,可提供其认为最好的资金 网站或网站,包括但不限于,资本化权益 以及与票据或债券有关的偿债准备金 利息,仅从任何此类设施的收入和收入中扣除 或后来取得的任何其他此类设施,特别费用和收费 要求由董事会认为是学生支付 以赠与、补助金或其他方式获得的资金 州或联邦政府或州或联邦的任何机构 政府或任何公共或私人捐助者,如果,在发行之前 这种票据或债券,州、联邦政府或其机构,或 其他捐赠人已约定向董事会或股东支付 这种票据或债券确定了按公式确定的金额 or otherwise, the proceeds of or delivery of any notes or bonds issued, or any combination thereof.

History: 1960, Act 120, Eff. Aug. 17, 1960; Am. 1966, Act 149, Imd. Eff. June 24, 1966; Am. 1970, Act 13, Imd. Eff. Apr. 10, 1970; Am. 1987, Act 156, Imd. Eff. Nov. 5, 1987.

390.845 Legislative intent. [M.S.A. 15.1852(5)]

该法案的目的是在董事会中执行、澄清和确认 the constitutional powers customarily exercised by the board of 对依法设立的高等教育机构的管理 authority to grant baccalaureate degrees.

History: Add. 1970, Act 13, Imd. Eff. Apr. 10, 1970.

390.846 Cost of transition or name change. [M.S.A. 15.1852(6)]

(一)国家不承担过渡期间发生的任何费用 Grand Valley state college to Grand Valley state university. Costs 因名称变更而产生的费用由单位承担 nonstate sources.

(2)学生不承担转学期间发生的任何费用 从格兰谷州立大学到格兰谷州立大学 increase in either tuition or other student fees. All costs associated 随着博天堂官方州立大学向博天堂官方大学的转变 state university and the source from which funds required to 收到有效过渡的,应当向本院报告 和参议院拨款委员会,不迟于1989年12月31日.

History: Add. 1987, Act 156, Imd. Eff. Nov. 5, 1987.