15-Point Charge for Racial Equity




Network of advisors 以确保我们的整个社区形成并致力于这项工作和黑人教师, staff, students, and alumni voices are elevated.

In 2020, President Mantella established a Network of Advisors for Racial Equity 有教职员工、学生、校友和高级管理人员的代表. 该网络提供了15点收费的初步指导,于2022年秋季完成其任期. 委员会现正落实和完善这些建议 & Equity Activation and Accountability Leadership Team and other Divisions based on the scope of the initiatives.

June 2020

Universal training for all 我们大学社区的成员在社会正义,权力,特权和反种族主义.

An all-employee online training with supplemental in-person and virtual opportunities has been instituted in consultation with the Inclusion & Equity Institute. 高级领导团队承诺每年举办与dei相关的基础学习会议.

May 2022

GVSU Police Academy leads 加强公共安全教育的方式,对多元化有更严格的要求, inclusion, and de-escalation.

社区和公共服务学院对警察学院的课程进行了审查,发现它符合最佳做法,可以作为社区警察培训的典范. In addition, the following measures were determined: (1) increase the diversity of the Academy enrollment to 20% people of color; (2) utilize the State of Michigan's Licensing Standards in selection criteria; and (3) create a culture where racial equity and inclusion are valued in curriculum by including the following topics: ethics in policing, civil rights and human relations, cultural competence, and unbiased policing.

Summer 2020

GRow1000 Commitment: City of Grand Rapids youth employment initiative.

Contributed to GRow1000, the City of Grand Rapids youth employment initiative

August 2020

Math Advantage门户计划将有助于提高大学入学准备和留校率,这对我们的有色人种社区影响尤为显著.

2020学习者设计虚拟峰会的参与者参与了一个试点门户项目, Math Advantage, seeking to improve college readiness and retention, which disproportionately impacts our communities of color.

August 2020

Racial equity scholarship in honor of the Black lives 那些因种族暴力而失去的学生表现出对社会正义和种族平等的承诺.


October 2020

Campus Safety task force to review current policing practices and recommend change.

校园安全特遣部队审查了警务实践,使大峡谷警察局努力获得执法机构认证委员会(CALEA)的“黄金标准”认证。. CALEA实践需要文化能力培训和其他与15点收费相一致的措施.

Winter 2021

Develop an even more aggressive program for the recruitment and retention of students of color 这将以消除准入障碍的政策为基础.

制定了一个更积极的计划来招募和留住有色人种的学生 strategic enrollment management plan 这得到了消除准入障碍的政策的支持. 努力造就了大学历史上最多样化的班级.

Winter 2021

Develop a new strategic enrollment management plan 以消除所有公平差距这一大胆目标为中心的战略和举措.


Winter 2021

Support Student Senate 在发展对等学习和其他倡议方面.

With Student Senate and in partnership with WMCAT, 进行了一项解放性设计思维练习,为本科生制定了一个种族平等的学习计划.

March 2021

Accelerate previous commitments by hiring a university ombuds, finalizing a salary equity study, and issuing final recommendations for the 2019 campus climate study with plans to reassess next year.

完成了以前的承诺,包括:任命 the inaugural employee ombuds, completion of a salary equity study and commitment to regular analysis, and conducted continued university-wide climate assessments, including new pulse surveys.


Greater and clearer promotional, developmental, and recruitment pathways for employees of color.

初步建议创建更大和更明确的宣传, 有色人种员工的发展和招聘途径导致了几项新努力的进展, 包括采纳“培育包容和公平的社区”作为其中的一部分 the university employee core competencies, Leading Lakers employee leadership pilot, the Senior Inclusion Advocates Program (to support inclusive hiring), 在教师数字措施中纳入对包容性和公平性的贡献, and an upcoming employee mentorship program. AALT 是否成立了小组继续激活机会. 


加强问责制的结构性变革和机遇 在整个组织中为领导和主管促进包容和公平.

结构性变革和机遇,加强整个组织对领导层和监督者的问责,促进包容和公平, 包括在每个学院和部门任命包容和公平领导和联络人,以及采用 four focal point KPIs related to inclusion and equity. The Activation and Accountability Leadership Team 是否有一个代表机构在校园内提出建议. 


Explore ways we can expand education for our students 确保每位毕业生加深对系统性种族主义、社会正义和种族平等的理解.

UAS passed a General Education Committee recommendation 修订了美国多样性和全球视角通用电气类别的语言,并制定了新的学生学习目标,具体涉及种族主义和系统性种族主义,以确保每位毕业生加深对系统性种族主义的理解, social justice and racial equity.

Winter 2022

Black Male Symposium主持一场博天堂官方网页种族平等必要性的全国性对话, 对我们社区中男性认同的黑人成员的不成比例的影响, 以及如何在一个历史上由白人组成的机构和社区中加强这一点.

通过黑人男孩和男人研讨会,主持了一场博天堂官方网页种族平等的必要性以及对我们社区中男性黑人成员的不成比例的影响的全国性对话. Committee formed for planning in Summer 2021. The Black Boys and Men Symposium was launched in June 2022.


Page last modified August 21, 2023