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Our GVSU family often talks about our “secret sauce.”  You are a crucial part of that mix, and I’m excited for you to read this issue of 视野 to see some of the ways your giving is making a difference. Philanthropic support has been instrumental in deepening partnerships throughout our community. These partnerships not only amplify students' access to GVSU – they address critical needs in our region and expand our culture of innovation and applied research.




卢皮埃尔南德斯, 2025届毕业生, is driven by the stories that data can tell and the people behind each data point. Back in school after a 17-year break, Hernandez is pursuing both a bachelor's and master's degree in applied computer science at 大峡谷州立大学, with a focus on human-data interaction. Hernandez's years of working with people, combined with his technical skills, make this area of study a perfect fit.




In 1989, after seven years teaching at the United States Naval Academy, Dr. Shirley Fleischmann joined the engineering department at 大峡谷州立大学. 给弗莱希曼教授的, Grand Valley’s focus on high-caliber teaching and professional immersion are both defining features of the program. So, when she learned from a colleague that the university would match employee giving to an endowed fund, 她和她的丈夫, 弗雷德里克, 建立博士学位. 雪莉T. & 弗雷德里克·R. Fleischmann Engineering Endowment to assist junior and senior level engineering students with the cost of their tuition. 




过去的一年, 密歇根软件实验室 – along with four other local companies – helped 大峡谷州立大学 launch a new partnership called the 湖人加速人才链接. The program is focused on creating innovative talent pipelines for the region by providing students with an employer-sponsored scholarship, access to career-specific certificates, 实习, 网络的机会, and potential employment opportunities post graduation. 密歇根软件实验室 is excited about the ways they get to pour into students as they simultaneously enhance their own culture and grow their employees through the experience. 




Join Us for Our Inaugural Day of Giving

3月21日, 大峡谷州立大学 is hosting its inaugural Day of Giving, and we're inviting the entire Laker community to show up and support students. This Day of Giving is not just about raising dollars; it's about uniting our alumni and friends in a shared commitment to excellence and innovation. You can make your gift early and be one of the first to join those rallying around Day of Giving! Together, we will help empower learners in their pursuits, professions, and purpose. 

Make your Day of Giving gift today


Thank you to the donors who established new endowments and scholarships and to the new 吉列的社会 members who have included 大峡谷州立大学 in their estate plans. You are empowering learners in their pursuits, professions, and purpose. Because of your gifts, Grand Valley's impact on our community continues to grow. 



Grand Valley University Foundation Holiday Party

周二, 12月5日, 2023, the Grand Valley University Foundation hosted its annual holiday reception at Cascade Hills Country Club. It was a time to celebrate all the successes of the year and look ahead to 2024 and all the possibilities that await. 



周四, 2月8日, the Grand Valley University Foundation hosted its annual Dinner and Forum at Grey Oaks Country Club in Naples, 佛罗里达. Guests learned about The Future of Education from a panel of four GVSU faculty and experts who delved into evolving landscape of learning and how each of their areas of expertise integrates to produce the decision makers and leaders of tomorrow. 


托马斯J. 哈斯法庭命名

On Saturday, February 24, Laker friends joined President Philomena V. Mantella to officially name the Fieldhouse Arena Court in recognition of President Emeritus 托马斯J. 哈斯. Guests were invited to stay for the women's and men's basketball games following the dedication. 阅读更多博天堂官方网页这一天的信息 在这里.



We hope that 视野 offers you a window into the transformative impact of your generosity at 大峡谷州立大学. Your insights are important to us, and we would love to know what you'd like to see in future editions of 视野, ensuring it continues to inspire, inform, and celebrate your investment in Grand Valley's future. 



蓝点,大影响:政府. 惠特默访问校园, signs bill with $30 million for GV tech hub


博天堂官方董事会 approves creating college focused on computing and advanced technology


Omni from 大峡谷州立大学 provides adults with pathways for degrees and skills

