
2023 - 2024年本科 & 研究生目录




馆藏事务副院长, 数字战略, 战略组织发展:Kristin Meyer
Interim Associate Dean of Curriculum, Research, and User Services: Jon Jeffryes




大峡谷州立大学 Libraries equip knowledge seekers to use information to shape their professions, 加强他们的社区, 创造一个更加公平的社会.


大学图书馆 offers dynamic and diverse opportunities for research, 协作, 个人研究. 来自四个独特的地点和我们强大的在线资源, 图书馆为整个大峡谷社区服务. Each library is uniquely tailored to its location and the programs it serves, with daily deliveries of physical materials between all university library locations.

大学图书馆 are committed to inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility. We strive to provide an environment in which all members of the campus community feel welcome, 安全, 支持, 受人尊敬的, 和重视. All library 工作人员 and 教师 are active in the ongoing work of identifying and eliminating barriers to ensure that all members of the library community are able to fully participate in library spaces and 服务. 我们努力确保我们的工具, 设备, 服务, and environments are available and usable by as many people as possible.


  • 玛丽·艾德玛·皮尤图书馆学习和信息共享: 集合, 图书馆服务, 小组和个人学习空间, 知识市场(同侪支援), 数字创作者实验室, 咖啡馆, 欢迎阅读, 学习实验室, 活动及展览, IT服务台, 技术展示, 本科生学者交流中心
  • 塞德曼的房子: 特别收藏和大学档案包含珍贵的书籍, 手稿, 照片, archives; quiet study spaces with natural light and scenic views of the ravines

罗伯特·C. 皮尤大急流城校园图书馆

  • 斯蒂尔凯斯图书馆在理查德M. 德沃斯中心A栋: 专业项目的专业服务和收藏, 知识市场(同侪支援), 协作工作空间, 阅览室, 欢迎阅读, 学习实验室
  • Steelcase图书馆课程资料收集: K-12教育资源、设备和服务


  • 弗雷基金会学习共享 丹尼尔和帕米拉·德沃斯跨专业健康中心: Specialized collections and 服务 for nursing and health professional programs, 包括学习空间, 阅览室, 学习实验室


大学图书馆 house a rich and robust collection of resources in multiple formats that support the research and scholarship activities of students, 教师, 和工作人员, 包括400多个,000物理资源, / (1,000,000本电子书, 超过120,000种电子期刊, 超过250,000个流媒体文件和300多个数据库. 博天堂官方.edu/library/find-materials-2.htm

  • 特别馆藏及大学档案: Seidman House on the Allendale Campus contains both the University Archives and Special 集合, 包括珍本书籍, 密歇根的小说, 博天堂官方网页林肯和内战的哈维·莱门收藏, 约翰逊中心慈善档案, 以及密歇根州著名作家吉姆·哈里森的论文, 等.
  • 学术交流与开放教育资源: ScholarWorks is an open-access repository maintained by Grand Valley libraries that showcases and maintains works by Grand Valley 教师 and student 研究人员. Open Educational 资源 (OER) are 文本books and other educational materials that are open and free to use. Scholarworks currently hosts 30 open 文本books and 28 open journals and other open education resources (OER).
  • 课程材料: 的 Curriculum Materials 图书馆 at the Steelcase 图书馆 in the DeVos Center holds a diverse collection of high-quality instructional materials for preschool through grade 12. This specialized collection also includes puppets, an Ellison die-cut machine, and a laminator.
  • 数字集合: 大学图书馆' Digital 集合 contain a selection of 照片, 对应, 日记, 面试, and publications from the holdings of the libraries' Special 集合 and University Archives and other university entities. This expanding resource makes unique or rare materials from Grand Valley collections available electronically to students, 教员, 管理员, 研究人员, 以及普通大众. 博天堂官方.edu/library/digitalcollections
  • 政府文件: 格兰德谷一直是 联邦寄存图书馆计划 自1963年以来.

大学图书馆' 文档交付 and Interlibrary Loan service can locate resources that are within and outside of the 大学图书馆' collections. Electronic copies of articles and book chapters can be requested via the libraries' discovery system and delivered to 电子邮件 within a few days. 书籍和其他物品可以从其他图书馆借阅, with delivery usually within a week to a selected library location or home address.

的 知识市场 has highly trained student employee/peer consultants who can help students improve their skills. Consultants work one-on-one with individual students or small student groups to develop research strategies, 分析数据, 提高写作, 或者优化演示文稿. 知识市场 服务 are available at the Mary Idema Pew 图书馆 and the Steelcase 图书馆 and online at 博天堂官方.edu/library/km/online-support-41.htm.

扩大知识市场, the 数字创作者实验室 (DCL) serves as an academic support service and creator space that welcomes students of all majors and levels of experience. DCL提供可出借的硬件(例如.g. 单反相机, 麦克风, 照明工具, and more); study pods and a podcasting booth; computers with audio and video editing software; and digital skills consultants to assist students with their academic and creative projects. 更多的 information about equipment, software, and appointments can be found at 博天堂官方.edu/library/km/digital-creator-lab-%7C-now-open-14.htm.

大学图书馆 know that distance education students have different needs than on-campus students. 图书馆 服务 at Grand Valley are available to the distance education community; the libraries also work hard to meet the needs of all distance 学习ers through remote 服务 such as chat/文本 help, 在线咨询, 校外送书.

Liaison librarians provide specialized instruction and consultations for all Grand Valley majors and programs. 学生 can schedule an appointment to meet with a liaison librarian to 学习 more about how to use the libraries and for specific research or assignment-related assistance. Liaison librarians work closely with 教师 throughout the university to develop and provide course-specific information literacy instruction, 无论是面对面还是在线.

大学图书馆有台式电脑和笔记本电脑, 还有印刷, 扫描, 复制站.

图书馆 users can request materials online via the libraries' website; connect with library 工作人员 via chat, 电子邮件, 文本, or phone; or visit in person at the service desk.

小组学习, 协作小组工作区域, 移动白板和墙壁白板, 安静的学习区, 阅览室, 桌子上读书, 不同地点的软座也有多种选择. 检查每个图书馆的具体可用性.

它帮助台 位于玛丽·艾德玛·皮尤图书馆中庭层. 学生可以获得硬件和软件故障排除服务.

本科生学者交流中心, 位于玛丽·艾德玛·皮尤图书馆230室, provides support for undergraduates to pursue the research and creative practice in their discipline. Curious students are connected with ways to discover, research, and explore. 学生与教师一起进行学生或教师发起的研究.

技术展示, 位于玛丽·艾德玛·皮尤图书馆的中庭层, 提供教师, 工作人员, 学生们有一个互动和吸引人的环境去发现, 学习, 并分享如何创新, emerging technologies can enhance teaching and improve student 学习ing at Grand Valley. 展览还提供3d打印服务.

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